[oc] Did I organize Star Wars entire timeline in correct order? Keep in mind technically a viewer can only watch one Film/Show at a time (games excluded)
Submitted by Likeitisouthere t3_11exard in dataisbeautiful
If I'm reading this correctly you've included most of Han's life as the events in Solo. Also the events in "obi wan kenobi"
See, I was confused with that one because he appears after death with Kylo. Also in other films. Took me time to decide on that and I figured you know what I’ll just put it all because they have him spread throughout.
Yeah but the point I was making was that the graph is visualising the timeline of the shows, not the individual characters. You've made a good start here but I definitely think it needs tweaks.
Also why is revenge of the sith like 15 years?
Yeah definitely some confusion in the middle with Andor, obi and solo
Lol, yeah the funny part is I made it all solo, watching the films. I kept getting confused even watching…
then when I was researching data or other timelines and storylines, it was still confusing.. one person made it this way, another person made it another way.
I’m like alright, I’m gonna make one that’s like ay everyone! Did I get it right? If so awesome, if not let me know I’ll fix the millennium falcon… chewy! let’s get down to the bottom of it, may the force be with us 😂
Revenge of the Sith starts up during the clone wars, rolls into the rebels. The other shows/films start to come out as well after the clone wars stop or roll past the rebels into the other episodes.
Are you sure it's quite thst long though? I might be wrong but doesn't seem right to me. As far as I remember the movie starts with battling grievous during the clone wars as you said, then they chase him, eventually crashing his ship into Coruscant where Anakin reunites with Padme. I don't remember there being any long lapses in time
That one took me awhile to figure out. Hoping I got it right. I agree with you sometimes there’s a few weird spans that just see odd
So how I figured it out or started the timeline was remembering that Yoda was like 1000 years old and Rey was Solo and Leia baby girl.
Then from there I remembered and connected a bunch of dots. The Obi show started about 10 years or so after clone wars.
Then, in the Mandalorian they hand Grogu to Luke.
Where I tagged Ahsoka was in the rebels as a young girl.. then her show to come out along with the Mando and Boba etc.
Then Obi-Wan in the episode attack of the clones crosses paths with Boba Fett as a little boy.
Also what confused me a lot was, Star Wars has this BBY timeline. I configured our humans natural lifespan; also considered George Lucas in a creative way is trying to tell us viewers something in 100 years of our lifetimes (if we get to live that long); I also took into factor, how some ages and spans can be off a little, characters are on different planets and with time traveling, characters ages could be altered a little different.
And then Yoda’s death and Grogu being the one, as well as Reys birth, Leila’s death, and then the flashbacks with Kylo and Han solo. As well as Andor & Jyn death on the beach in Rouge one. As well as Krennic killing Jyn dad.
So I took all that into consideration, and then mapped it out from there. It really is this 100 year span of a big bang theory.
And then I also connected a bunch of other characters into the timelines, and where they appear in the shows and movies. I had to watch the movies like five times over. It took me hours/days to figure out
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