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Obi_van_Knobi t1_jahhy0g wrote

Ah, another one for the "why tf is that not a bar/line chart" pile


CoyoteJoe412 t1_jaj4lm5 wrote

Nah, overall I like these visualizations. It shows more clearly a decrease over time while accounting for natural changes in seasons, and makes it easy to compare side by side for any given season/month. I just wish the colors on this one were a little more pronounced so it's easier to differentiate years


Skintag12 t1_janp87f wrote

Im not talking about climate change, we are talking about what would happen if all the ice were to melt. Politics and agendas aside, what do you think would happen if all of the ice would melt? I just said sea levels would rise which is what would happen unless you know otherwise