Submitted by gridnews t3_11f49io in dataisbeautiful
Obi_van_Knobi t1_jahhy0g wrote
Ah, another one for the "why tf is that not a bar/line chart" pile
SilentSlayz t1_jahq90e wrote
What happens if all the ice melts?
[deleted] t1_jaht632 wrote
Skintag12 t1_jahtfbp wrote
Sea levels rise significantly across the world
gudamor t1_jahztby wrote
I guess to show the periodicity?
tilapios t1_jaij5g9 wrote
You can play around with Arctic (and Antarctic) sea ice data from the National Snow & Ice Data Center here:
climatelurker t1_jaisp0v wrote
I like this graph.
boyholdmyjewellery t1_jaizslq wrote
B.O.E '27 lesssssgoooooooo
CoyoteJoe412 t1_jaj4lm5 wrote
Nah, overall I like these visualizations. It shows more clearly a decrease over time while accounting for natural changes in seasons, and makes it easy to compare side by side for any given season/month. I just wish the colors on this one were a little more pronounced so it's easier to differentiate years
CoyoteJoe412 t1_jaj4oi9 wrote
Bad things
[deleted] t1_jajfzaz wrote
[deleted] t1_jajr9l4 wrote
eli0mx t1_janncn3 wrote
That’s a huge lie
Skintag12 t1_jannf8l wrote
Please explain?
eli0mx t1_janotqt wrote
Research it more. Basically everything about climate change is fabricated lies. It’s all politics.
Skintag12 t1_janp87f wrote
Im not talking about climate change, we are talking about what would happen if all the ice were to melt. Politics and agendas aside, what do you think would happen if all of the ice would melt? I just said sea levels would rise which is what would happen unless you know otherwise
Samura1_I3 t1_japn8ur wrote
A lot of the ice in the arctic is floating sea ice. If that floating ice melted the sea levels wouldn’t change.
eli0mx t1_jaqgo4b wrote
The fact is the arctic ice would not all melt. It’s all scare tactics.
gridnews OP t1_jahgky5 wrote
Data Source: National Institute of Polar Research
Tool: Datawrapper