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DemonicDevice t1_jebbayf wrote

The racial proportionality in the south was unexpected


auricularisposterior t1_jebyhx2 wrote

I wouldn't be surprised if this has to do with how poverty is more widespread across both black and white populations in those states. There is some correlation between poverty and crime. I'm not saying that wealthy people don't commit crimes, but often by the nature of their crimes, selective crime enforcement, and well-paid lawyers, they are less likely to be convicted or given long prison sentences.


GRANDxADMIRALxTHRAWN t1_jecxwkt wrote

Are you suggesting that southern states have better equality? 🤔


TheI3east t1_jedqd2y wrote

Socioeconomic class inequality is just as important as racial inequality, so no.


SilentHackerDoc t1_jeecumv wrote

Your sentence doesn't make sense? If socioeconomic class is as important as racial then you have to imply southern states are more equal, especially considering the better proportion of black to white incarceration. I don't know why this southern racism thing still exists, Alabama and Louisiana are the only places I feel like there was a bit of 'racism' and those cops were just shitty in general. I mean unless anyone has any other hard data the only thing we can pull from this is that yes southern states law systems are less racists. Honestly places like Atlanta and Florida are very friendly to black people and people just exist together. In states up north there is still obviously some unconscious racism and the groupems are more separate. The further south you go the more than you realize black and white people share the culture together and it is now it's own thing. I really don't find it ironic that more republican states are friendlier to black people and more fair. Sure, there are some Confederate flag people and some people who believe black shouldn't date white, but they are also just very friendly and fair to everyone. Or at least that's the culture and systemic racism may still be an issue but the culture in the south is much more connected. People up north are much bigger assholes and act on differences in opinion and looks way more often. The southern propaganda thing is all bullshit fed to you by media because of stereotypes and politics. People would really be surprised if they ever visited the south. Course people sometimes say more racist things and directly call people out or hold political opinions linked to racism, but they do believe in fairness and equality and act on that. In the north there are tons of hidden racists who act on their beliefs every single day and treat people different. The south is more like I hold these beliefs but I also treat everyone equally and fairly and with respect because that the key to life.


GRANDxADMIRALxTHRAWN t1_jeffort wrote

Right, I agree with your statement. But the idea that was stated pertained to the correlation between low income and criminal conviction rates. So in this instance we see a disproportionately higher rate of criminal convictions for people of color in New York, but a significantly more equal conviction rate (racially) in Southern States. These two things suggest that the socioeconomic racial inequalities are worse in the North East than in the South East. We're not talking about general income disparities. Again, from what the commenter said, it would basically suggest that the racial proportionality (Black/White) of low income households is more equal in Southeastern states than Northeastern states.


auricularisposterior t1_jedcxi1 wrote

Well according to this map, much of those south eastern states have low income and high inequality. What does that really mean in terms of people though? Does that mean there are lots of white and black people that are similarly poor and a relatively small proportion of very wealth people living in the state (with not as many people in between)?


leodoggo t1_jecu1ij wrote

It’s almost as if people are more racially biased in areas where they don’t see and interact with other races. Yet, the media portrays the opposite. Weird how that happens


TrickyPlastic t1_jefywnp wrote

Northern states provided more welfare, so they attracted lower-quality blacks, thus higher criminality amongst northern black population.


leodoggo t1_jeh52d3 wrote

Didn’t know prisons were considered welfare these days


MrEZW t1_jec2se1 wrote

Probably because it's relative to the population of the state & the black population is higher in the south compared to other places.


ManWearingSandals t1_jed4pq5 wrote

The OP is calculating a ratio of the two rates. The rates already normalize for population sizes. 1.2% of black population vs. 0.1% of the white population gives a ratio of 12x. One thing to note: this data does not seem to include federal incarceration statistics for the state comparison maps.


GRANDxADMIRALxTHRAWN t1_jecxogr wrote

I noticed the same thing. It looks like the Blue States are imprisoning more people of color than then Red States. Throw in the population density in those States and it makes it even worse.


GRAWRGER t1_jee5zyk wrote

wondering if its related to population distribution? specifically, big cities.