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mrdimosthenis OP t1_jalb9uf wrote

The source is the papercliff API, the scripts that make the analysis are written in Clojure, the visualization makes use of the vis.js library, and the data are open. All these are available at

Also, there is the r/papercliff community, with more content.


Ascyt t1_jalis85 wrote

"Intel" being connected with "syndrome" is kind of funny


TheChildOfSkyrim t1_jalsyr4 wrote

Graph layout looks real nice! Did vis.js do all that, or did you do some manual adjustments?


Finger-Painter t1_jam5sv6 wrote

Ukraine and China are linked but not Russia and China?


Designing_Data t1_jamaiq4 wrote

Let's try a week's worth of news?

Here is no news about Saturn and Jupiter (or whichever planet combo it was) being clearly visible at night for once in half a century? Or the Aurora Borealis visibility? Or about the pedophilia trials revolving around Maxwell and the leaked documents? Or about the government's that are banning Tiktok from their devices? Or about the gaslighting of the US and EU population on why we really have mass inflation? What about the controversies surrounding corrupt politicians and the war in Ukraine? What about the politics in Russia and the nearly ineffectual sanctions against them? What about the ever tightened relationships between Russia and China? What about Australian government doing fuck all for their civilians and how Greta should better speak out to their constant human-degrading behaviour they show across neighbouring nations and peoples? What about the EU laws focused on banning motorvehicles that use fossil fuel even though we do not have enough minerals for electric cars - or alternative means of personal transport vehicles? What about corporate en government greed fuelling the rage of people but they are constantly belittles by the national anti-terrorism instances who use PsyOps methodologies to divide and conquer what's left of our humanity?

Until then, this may look cool as a topic started but it is wildly inappropriate as so many stories are lost due to filters and aggregations we have no say in.


coyboy_beep-boop t1_jan1aei wrote

What is the picture of the world map in the background for? I thought it was the location where the topic is discussed, but people are obviously not talking about stuff in the middle of the ocean.

Is it just to cause confusion?