Submitted by datasciencerookie t3_11j5qof in dataisbeautiful
datasciencerookie OP t1_jb1xmde wrote
The Canadian definition of immigrant is permanent resident basically:
Immigrant refers to a person who is, or who has ever been, a landed immigrant or permanent resident. Such a person has been granted the right to live in Canada permanently by immigration authorities.
Most Ukrainians who entered Canada recently came on a temporary 3 year work permit
tomsings t1_jb30pss wrote
Correct. The Ukrainians that were urgently brought in are temporary residents, not immigrants. Many of them will likely qualify for PR once they have some Canadian experience, but as temporary residents there is an implicit understanding that they will leave before their status expires.
twinkrider t1_jb2rjlz wrote
OP just isn’t too bright :(
quenby24 t1_jb3s2zd wrote
wow the irony in this comment
[deleted] t1_jb3fa4q wrote
Ukrainians entering Canada were not PRs and therefore not immigrants.
Jhuandavid26 t1_jb2o5ma wrote
I live in Brossard, Quebec. and thought it was way more Chinese people, this town seems to be owned by them. Interesting how I barely see any Indians, it seems they just go to the Anglo cities
[deleted] t1_jb2x537 wrote
the indians are sent out west
ColeWRS t1_jb3d36d wrote
Also to Winnipeg MB.
datasciencerookie OP t1_jb71s7n wrote
Immigration to Quebec is different compared to immigration in the rest of Canada… i made a post about the difference:
datasciencerookie OP t1_jb1cjx4 wrote
Tools Used: Microsoft Excel
AdapterCable t1_jb1wxck wrote
This isn’t the number of immigrants, this is PR invitations per year.
tomsings t1_jb30sg7 wrote
That’s what immigrant means.
JoelOttoKickedItIn t1_jb3gkf2 wrote
I work with heaps of Nigerian folks in tech, they’re wonderful. I mean, everyone is, really.
[deleted] t1_jb1tixi wrote
Gabagool1987 t1_jb53kw9 wrote
This will surely help the over-burdened healthcare system
Wishingwings t1_jb57r2t wrote
Is this the diversity index of linus tech tips?
[deleted] t1_jb26mhm wrote
Why showing as bar chart? Should visualize another way to describe distribution
datasciencerookie OP t1_jb6w6a2 wrote
Do you think a pie chart would be better?
[deleted] t1_jbe6d13 wrote
Not but treemap would be nice. Same with pie chart, showing percantage. But pie chart is hard to be recognized if not distribution is like 25-50-75%
funkybside t1_jb3g794 wrote
I expect it would look very different if normalized for the number of people who emigrate from each country in total.
[deleted] t1_jbj5y1d wrote
External_Cup_89 t1_jbjjalj wrote
That was Australia
[deleted] t1_jbliaqn wrote
[deleted] t1_jb1fha5 wrote
[deleted] t1_jb1hmg2 wrote
datasciencerookie OP t1_jb1jkyy wrote
Canadian immigration is more lenient than US immigration thats why they immigrate to Canada first
BadBunnyYonaguni t1_jb1wcfd wrote
I disagree as an immigrant who has lived in both the USA and Canada. Canadian immigration is mind-meltingly idiotic, and far more difficult to manage than the yank immigration process.
datasciencerookie OP t1_jb1x1q9 wrote
Ive lived in both and im not a citizen of either country… Canadian immigration is wayy easier than US immigration.. Canadian immigration if you have enough education and work experience you can get enough points to immigrate… the US is almost impossible unless you are extraordinary enough to get H1B sponsorship or have US citizen family members that can sponsor your green card… the reason I moved from the US to Canada was because I couldn’t stay in the US and i know many people who work in tech (mostly from India) who did the same..
mmarollo t1_jb2sd8u wrote
If you’re from India you’ll have a much harder time in the US than most people because Indians saturate their quotas very quickly every year.
broyoyoyoyo t1_jb362sd wrote
I suppose the perspective matters. For an educated person (in an in demand field), immigrating to Canada is pretty easy, as you say, but immigrating to the US is difficult. But for an uneducated person, immigrating to Canada is basically impossible, but immigrating to the US is possible through family sponsorship.
[deleted] t1_jb2nhow wrote
squarerootofapplepie t1_jb1v8gi wrote
I wonder how the emigration to the US rate compares between native born Canadians and immigrants to Canada.
mmarollo t1_jb2swgu wrote
The flow of immigrants from the US to Canada is about 1/10th of vice versa, per capita. In order words, roughly the same numerical amount of people migrate in both directions, but the US is 10X as large. Having lived in both countries, there isn’t much in Canada to attract an American other than a spouse. There’s nothing wrong with Canada, it’s just that everything in Canada is available in the US as well. “Free” health care? Yeah no. The waiting lists here in Canada would shock and appall most Americans. I got far better care in the US than here in Canada, but I sure wouldn’t want to get caught without insurance in the US (most people have excellent insurance).
anonkitty2 t1_jb21k1k wrote
I had been surprised seeing it on the list at all. I know that a lot of people do threaten to leave America for places with better safety nets, but I somehow didn't expect that much follow-through.
hatman1986 t1_jb2rnw5 wrote
Me too. I don't know many American immigrants. Then again, they blend in pretty well
Paan1k t1_jb1q8ki wrote
My French homies going to Quebec ♥️🇫🇷 ... go back you capitalists
datasciencerookie OP t1_jb1rsy9 wrote
I made a post recently about the difference in Immigration to Quebec and the Rest of Canada:
AdapterCable t1_jb1wrp1 wrote
In absolute numbers, Ukrainians we’re the largest nationality to enter Canada for 2022.
Roughly 130k we’re settled last year.
I think OP is conflating PR invitations with immigration numbers.