[OC] USA Counties, change in median listing price for residential real estate on MLS (Multiple Listing System), February 2022 to February 2023
Submitted by michigician t3_11jj4ff in dataisbeautiful
Why all the red in flyover country?
There's a few guesses I would make:
It's more expensive to build in general and new construction is getting ridiculously big and packed with amenities driving the price up.
That would be my guess, less organic and more like a bunch of expensive ass monsters are getting built and dropped on the market
It's an increase in productivity of otherwise unproductive locations due to remote work. Rent is set based on the difference between productivity of a location and productivity of the available free alternative (e.g. wilderness). Since home prices necessarily include land speculation, i.e. the rent that could be collected by owning the property, home prices rise too.
This has nothing to do with rent she what you said didn't even exclude what i said... It's a lot less nuanced...
Rich guy moves to country builds big house
Californians and landleeches. Sometimes both, the dreaded Californian landleech.
As a native Californian, can we stop calling these folks Californian? Most of them come to the bay area or LA for a decade, participate in insane NIMBYism while they live here, and fuck off to whatever part of the country they came from once they fill their loot bags. They fuck up our communities by turning them into commodities which price out locals who would like to stay and then go and do the same thing when they return home. Rinse and repeat.
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