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Accountforstuffineed t1_jb3cpkl wrote

I've been to North Carolina, I definitely don't want a house in North Carolina lol


Bull_City t1_jb3eewi wrote

Yeah that’s cool man. I don’t even think NC is that great a place (though it’s not bad). But it’s ignorant to entirely write a place off without ever having actually visited. You don’t get a get out of ignorance free card just cuz you grew up in “enlightened” Orange County or Bay Area California is all I’m saying.


myputer t1_jb4nn73 wrote

They might not think they’re enlightened, they might be referring to state politics- some ugly anti-queer legislation outta NC.


King_Arjen t1_jb428aj wrote

North Carolina is lovely, coming from a Wisconsinite who also things Wisconsin is lovely


Jexp_t t1_jb4sl44 wrote


Stinking hot, humid and full of fundies.


Educational-Ebb-2572 t1_jb3x0l6 wrote

You're one of the few. New Yorkers, Californians, everyone is coming here in herds. The problem is they get here and turn it into the shithole they were fleeing. It sucks.


Accountforstuffineed t1_jb5er7d wrote

This is typically a political point, so assuming that's what you're talking about, most of the people moving from those states into red ones are conservatives.