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_Landscape_ t1_jbbcm9h wrote

Do they only count people with citizenship of specified country, but born outside EU?


Hefty_Badger9759 t1_jbbeotd wrote

Nowegian here, and Norway is not pulling it's weight, but what is "doing their part"?


randomizeme1234 t1_jbbfejm wrote

What is "their part" ? Let's expand and explain this assumption please.


egf19305 t1_jbbhtos wrote

This is a joke.

In Poland, we have aprx 1.4M Ukrainians.
Population of Poland is aprx 37.8M.

This means that we have 4% of just Ukrainians in the population.

For the people outside of Europe - Ukraine is not in the EU.


41942319 t1_jbbm367 wrote

It's nonsense because OP's title makes it seem like this is all refugees but a lot of it is people from Western countries like UK/US/Australia/Canada, Switzerland, Norway. Which probably explains almost all of the top countries: Sweden has a lot of Norwegians, Cyprus a lot of Turks, Ireland and Malta a lot of Britons. Which has nothing to do with "playing a part".


darealq t1_jbdo2ws wrote

Also, if you're already displaced from your home, would you want to stop at one of the light grey countries or would you rather move a couple hundred kilometers more and entertain the possibility of earning 3-4x as much?


mata_dan t1_jbe0gp7 wrote

>We already have huge issues with assimilation here, it’s not a secret

Explain. The UK is well known to have the best assimilation of migrants so that'll be difficult...


CodmanLain t1_jbe2jka wrote

No it isn’t. There are whole unassimilated communities that are susceptible to radicalization. There’s no government onus to spread populations across the city so you end up with ghettos. Unlike the Netherlands where the government takes new arrivals and deliberately puts them in neighborhoods with high density of other nationalities


Amerikanen t1_jbedv56 wrote

You're probably right about Ireland and Malta, but Norwegians are not the reason Sweden is on top, they amount to at most 1% of the Swedish population. Sweden genuinely has taken in a ton of refugees and economic migrants from the Middle East/Asia/Africa/Balkans.


Meeklovski t1_jbfph7t wrote


Number of Ukrainian refugees in Poland 2023, by date of report. Since February 24, 2022 more than 10.2 million refugees from Ukraine have crossed the Polish border, with the largest number on March 6 - more than 142 thousand people.