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anusty t1_jbl510b wrote

Who say the college/university system indoctrinates?


Stromaluski t1_jbl7g7e wrote

I believe the answer to that is generally "people who didn't go to college/university".


gc3c OP t1_jbl8fu0 wrote

That's a sick burn, but most of the politicians who promote this idea are well-educated. Perhaps they just see the benefit of demonizing free thought.


Stromaluski t1_jbl96ek wrote

Hence the "generally" part of my answer.


anusty t1_jbla8y8 wrote

It’s like the Nazis, if you weren’t one, you just didn’t know


gc3c OP t1_jbl7mpa wrote

Everyone is being indoctrinated into something.

Edit: That is to say, everyone is conforming their mind to some external standard and calling it learning. Indoctrination used to have the connotation of simply learning, but now it means learning uncritically, accepting something without critical thought. Which side is teaching students to think critically, and which side is teaching students to accept a set of alternative facts that the fall apart under scrutiny?


Ayzmo t1_jblcdqr wrote

The only people I hear saying that are people who haven't stepped foot on one in 30 years.


anusty t1_jblifx0 wrote

Ask a Nazi when they realized they had been indoctrinated


LTaldoraine_789_ t1_jbph93o wrote

ask an idiot if they realize they are a fucking idiot


anusty t1_jbqfn2p wrote

Ask someone in the crosshairs if they’re about to get hit