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txa1265 t1_jbod0bn wrote

Funny looking at this - I live close to Elmira NY, and there is one major employer in the area (Corning Inc., located in ... Corning) whereas Elmira has a maximum security prison and hasn't really ever recovered since industry left and the prison economy set in.

The disparity between Elmira and the Corning/Horseheads towns that house most of the engineers/scientists/execs is ... stark. But it makes me wonder how things would compare - sure your income would increase significantly, but there are also loads of 400k+ houses (I think recent report I saw said median home price in area was close to $350k)


ghdana t1_jbr0cmo wrote

Corning also has a ton of cheap places in a good location in town, like under 150k for a place that is ok.

It's like Painted Post and Gang Mills are the expensive parts. Which of funny to me because after living in suburban hell outside of larger cities the last decade the aesthetic of PP and GM are off-putting to me. Yet they're very expensive compared to the cute historic maintained places in Corning.