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mlfblf t1_jbtwx95 wrote

I hope permanent standard time prevails and not DST. May need to live in Arizona…


microwaffles t1_jbu0brv wrote

I'm in Canada and the talk is about waiting for the USA to end changing the clocks so jurisdictions here can synchronize.

Of course nobody is talking about how a change to permanent DST makes less sense at higher latitudes (note the preponderance of southern states enacting permanent DST legislation where it makes more sense). In northern US and Canada it makes a lot less sense


slade51 t1_jbusswz wrote

We’ll do this right after converting to the metric system, so it shouldn’t be too long of a wait.


HoldenMcNeil420 t1_jbvbazj wrote

The ship carrying the metric weights and measuring devices sank and never made it here, so we just winged it.


r_hythlodaeus t1_jbutzgp wrote

4 AM sunrise times in summer would be awful (as are 4 PM sunset times in winter), so no thanks to standard time all around.


-LadyMondegreen- t1_jbuu9jm wrote

Yeah, but a 9am sunrise in the winter is worse to me


Mtfdurian t1_jbv9eo6 wrote

We got it to almost 9am in the Netherlands. Indeed, it is hell. People say they want daylight after work, but the thing is, having lived on the eastern side of a timezone in the tropics, evening light is of no importance. It's the late sunrise that keeps people cling in bed for long, that creates melatonin when having to start the workday, that actually makes people depressed. Part of the dread is how up to the middle of February, the sun only rises after 8 because of the same reason why midday is rather late too in February. Once March has arrived you just see how people look more rested, even on days with horrible weather like last Friday.


r_hythlodaeus t1_jbuve1k wrote

I already wake pre-dawn in winter so it’s fine. The sun rising so early would destroy me and having all of 2.5 hours of daylight at best after work would be incredibly depressing. Also probably ruinous to the tourism industry here.


-LadyMondegreen- t1_jbuvjc3 wrote

I mostly worry about kids walking to school in the dark


ZipTheZipper t1_jbvnh23 wrote

There are dozens and dozens of studies saying school needs to start later. Maybe we should listen.


r_hythlodaeus t1_jbuw0y9 wrote

That’s fair but no one here is walking to school when the average low is 10 degrees.


ATheiaM t1_jbvf3uo wrote

Permanent ST is far superior where I live


scheav t1_jbuzx89 wrote

What difference would it make? Wouldn’t hours of operation be set accordingly?


_BreakingGood_ t1_jbv85am wrote

There's a lot of differences. With permanent "Daylight Time", you can work a 9-5 job, get home, eat, get dressed, and still have 2 hours to enjoy the sunlight and get outside.

With permanent Standard Time, it's dark when you wake up, dark when you get home. No sunlight for you.


scojo77 t1_jbvqzwo wrote

Standard time makes the mornings brighter from October to March. 6am sunrise today, 7am tomorrow when DST starts.


scheav t1_jbv90j9 wrote

Businesses are going to open an hour later if it gets light an hour later. You’re going to be working later. There’s nothing special about 5pm that makes it quitting time.


madattak t1_jbvfhl8 wrote

But business hours don't change when DST starts or ends


scheav t1_jbvgx2m wrote

Yes, because it’s just temporary. That’s the point. If it were permanent then business hours would be set appropriately. If you decided to shift the clock by 4 hours in your state do you think businesses would open up 4 hours before sunrise?


_BreakingGood_ t1_jbvg3pf wrote

My working hours have never changed due to DST. In fact I've never seen the business hours of any business change due to DST.


scheav t1_jbvh28i wrote

DST is temporary. If businesses were willing to change their hours multiple times a year you wouldn’t need DST. If you made a permanent change to your time zones businesses would change hours accordingly - permanently. It’s not rocket science.


_BreakingGood_ t1_jbvicru wrote

Alright we'll see if permanent DST results in the entire country shifting from 9-5 to 10-6 hours.


scheav t1_jbviqa0 wrote

We sure will. Hopefully I get my start time shifted from 7am to 8am.


drakozphoenix t1_jbvgq02 wrote

I’ve written to my Congress critter and both Senators specifically about this.

Here’s a resource with links to some research on why this is the way:


EccentricFan t1_jbvtpko wrote

I really hope we don't end up failing to end DST again because people are fighting over permanent standard vs DST. Just end the atrocity that's switching time. Yeah, I have a preference for permanent DST, but that's a minor issue compared just keeping things fixed.

There's never going to be one right answer for everyone between the two, with differences in schedule, as well as all the differences in sunrise sunset time due to latitude and whether you're on the eastern vs western end of a time zone.

But get the clocks fixed and then people can try to work out the other issues locally make the greatest share of people happy. Worried about children going to school in the dark in the winter where you live? Convince the school board to push back the start time of school.

There will be growing pains/headaches involved, but the first and most important step is still to stop forcing everyone to adjust their entire life schedule biannually.


Riegler77 t1_jbxzddl wrote

>Convince the school board to push back the start time of school.

The start time of school can't be later than the start time of the parent's work.


7hought t1_jbw0y2s wrote

Getting the best of both worlds of Daylight Savings and Standard time seems well worth the “atrocity” and “forcing people to adjust their entire life schedule” by shifting a single hour in the middle of the night twice a year.


EccentricFan t1_jbw3cuw wrote

There are significant health risks to the sleep disruption from changing your regular sleeping pattern. Each year in both directions, there are spikes in suicides, heart attacks, strokes, accidents including car crashes.

I'm biased, because I'm especially sensitive to disruptions to my sleep schedule, and it often takes me about three weeks each way to recover my regular rhythm, meaning the time shift is actively reducing my quality of life of 10% of each year.

And getting the best of both worlds is an overly optimistic viewpoint even without all these issues. For many people year round DST would be better, and for many others year round standard would be better.

And again, there's so much sunlight variance based on where you live, that even if it was somehow carefully crafted to "get the best of both worlds" in one place, it would be ill-suited to large swaths of the country.


hiricinee t1_jbv1km9 wrote

I prefer that but I'd be happy as long as we kept it. We can all adjust out schedules accordingly if we want.


KerissaKenro t1_jbvwux5 wrote

I would prefer standard too, but I could deal with permanent daylight time as long as we just pick something and stick with it. The constant switching back and forth is maddening


7hought t1_jbw0q26 wrote

Is it truly “maddening” to shift one hour twice a year? You must live a pretty charmed life if so.


Weasel_Town t1_jbw6icr wrote

Same. Why are we making the bad one the permanent one?