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r_hythlodaeus t1_jbutzgp wrote

4 AM sunrise times in summer would be awful (as are 4 PM sunset times in winter), so no thanks to standard time all around.


-LadyMondegreen- t1_jbuu9jm wrote

Yeah, but a 9am sunrise in the winter is worse to me


Mtfdurian t1_jbv9eo6 wrote

We got it to almost 9am in the Netherlands. Indeed, it is hell. People say they want daylight after work, but the thing is, having lived on the eastern side of a timezone in the tropics, evening light is of no importance. It's the late sunrise that keeps people cling in bed for long, that creates melatonin when having to start the workday, that actually makes people depressed. Part of the dread is how up to the middle of February, the sun only rises after 8 because of the same reason why midday is rather late too in February. Once March has arrived you just see how people look more rested, even on days with horrible weather like last Friday.


r_hythlodaeus t1_jbuve1k wrote

I already wake pre-dawn in winter so it’s fine. The sun rising so early would destroy me and having all of 2.5 hours of daylight at best after work would be incredibly depressing. Also probably ruinous to the tourism industry here.


-LadyMondegreen- t1_jbuvjc3 wrote

I mostly worry about kids walking to school in the dark


ZipTheZipper t1_jbvnh23 wrote

There are dozens and dozens of studies saying school needs to start later. Maybe we should listen.


r_hythlodaeus t1_jbuw0y9 wrote

That’s fair but no one here is walking to school when the average low is 10 degrees.
