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ThingThatsJustBegun t1_jdcg9c6 wrote

"Why you still have gingivitis despite brushing that one time"


Theforgottendwarf t1_jdcmbqv wrote

exactly. Why is California in a drought after they’ve sucked the ground completely dry of natural resources for tens of years. California’s natural resources can’t support the number of people they’re trying to house.


funkiestj t1_jddr3km wrote

>exactly. Why is California in a drought after they’ve sucked the ground completely dry of natural resources for tens of years. California’s natural resources can’t support the number of people they’re trying to house.

If you drive interstate-5 from Los Angeles to northern California you will see signs from the farm lobby essentially saying we should do to the San Joaquin River Delta what we've done to the Colorado river -- use every drop of fresh water so that none is left to flow to the sea.


m0llusk t1_jdebewv wrote

Kind of true, but it is industry and agriculture that use most of the water. Ordinary people and residences use only a small fraction of that.


yolef t1_jddm54w wrote

California's natural resources can't support the acres of crops the investor class is trying to profit from


wag3slav3 t1_jdcwado wrote

Let's build a megalopolis in a desert! What could possibly go wrong?
