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paulfromatlanta t1_je9tqjf wrote

VA (probably): Hearing loss not related to service...


Late_Sink_1576 OP t1_jeawikw wrote

They absolutely said that. Even after I appealed. But they only ever used their own audiogram. My appeal did increase my overall rating to 100%, so I didn’t bother pursuing it with the VA anymore.


ar243 t1_jeayov3 wrote

What's even the point of the VA? I've only ever heard bad things


Late_Sink_1576 OP t1_jeb0bnq wrote

You know, for all their failings, I have excellent healthcare. We had a saying when I was still in the service: “Where you’re going is the best place you can go, where you are is the worst place you can be, and where you came from never really was that bad”. It’s about duty stations, but speaks generally to the notion of contentment and hindsight.

Since my disability rating totals more than a specified threshold, my healthcare is free for me forever, service-connected or not. I have socialized healthcare. And it’s awesome.

I can walk in to see my doctor unannounced. I can phone in or email prescriptions I never pay for. I have not known a medical bill, copay, or premium since 2010 and never will again.

The VA has its flaws, and had made good progress since the influx of OIF/OEF veterans filled its facilities with youthful anger. The mental health care has dramatically improved. I won’t sing their praises more than that. I just don’t feel I’m in a position to really complain about the VA when medical debt can ruin your life.


ar243 t1_jeb2z1f wrote

Very interesting. Thanks for the insight.

Just curious, what did you do in Iraq? Like were you a tank commander or a cook or a logistics officer or something?

I was born in 1996 so I didn't really understand what was going on in the middle east at the time we invaded.


Late_Sink_1576 OP t1_jeb440m wrote

Ordnance Corps.

I know why I went, but I still don’t know why we went.


ramblingrelic t1_jeb1mfs wrote

Wait until you're issued hearing aids and they do audiologist appointments with someone that's 500 miles away, on a webcam, tuning your hearing aid remotely and you can't hear crap to begin with. Or PT in another town and you don't get an overnight...oh so many stories. Gotta love that VA! The VA advocates rock though.


Sheamus_1852 t1_jeb5zk9 wrote

Did the same for me. Still got 10% for tinnitus.


Late_Sink_1576 OP t1_jeb663w wrote

Did you use the CAEv2 plugs?


ramblingrelic t1_jeb98z2 wrote

Oh those bring back memories. Tbh, the orange triple-flange ones that you screwed into your ears with the case were less effective. I always kept handfuls of the foam ones our armorer handed out like Halloween candy.