Submitted by Probio t3_11s48u2 in dataisbeautiful
ERSTF t1_jccwyqd wrote
Reply to comment by TheReverend5 in [OC] "The Last of Us" S1 episodes rating by IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes by Probio
I don't think it's that. I liked episode 3 but hated 7. On a season with 9 episodes, 2 were spent on side quests. To me it was an issue with pacing more than anything. I kind of enjoyed the show but I am not head over hills about it
po-laris t1_jce78ok wrote
It definitely is that, at least for episode 3. Coordinated review bombs are a pretty common occurrence these days.
TheReverend5 t1_jceft07 wrote
you'd have to be willfully blind not to be able to see that obvious review bombing. the mental gymnastics some people on this sub do are quite remarkable.
RZAxlash t1_jcdnou6 wrote
Yup, episode 3 was excellent, everybody agrees. 7 came off 2 very intense forward moving episodes and added very little in terms of character growth, the expository stuff was already mostly assumed and by that point, we knew Ellie had grown a strong bond with Joel, regardless of whatever interpersonal traumas she had before.
ERSTF t1_jce0wkx wrote
Yeap. They show has had odd choices. Pacing is a huge problem. B plots that add nothing to the overall character arcs or plot. The almost non existant infected is a third huge problem
BillyShears2015 t1_jccz6bh wrote
It was 40 minutes of good content stretched into an hour. Needed a B plot to break it up.
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