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Exatex t1_je1q8lc wrote

> then you will know that all which applied are ok with those details

hahaha, good one

> just fuck off with that one

You obviously never hired. You would not believe the things people do in the first interview. Most common, not even showing up. Being condescending to our female recruiter. Obviously lied in their CV. No work permit. Super shitty internet. Not tech savy enough to open a zoom call. Not listening to anything the recruiter says and discussing unrelated stuff with their friends during the interview? Not able to speak at least acceptable level of english. Trying to flirt with the recruiter.

Most people don’t make it past the first 15 min screening call for absolutely obvious reasons.


NiceguyLucifer t1_je2cv1c wrote

2 rounds should still be enough for anything except high levels like Director or C suite, 1st one with recruiter and 2nd with the direct manager and any other needed person/s.

Yes, people are idiots , a lot , but saying it like that makes it like everyone is like that. There is also a lot that recruiters can do to make to process easier for both themselves and the the people applying , but plenty just don't care.


Critical-Network-247 t1_je2gxq7 wrote

This has precisely been my experience when interviewing with sane, decent companies. 1 recruiter interview, 2nd one with manager and future team mates. The more interviews I had with a company, the nuttier the process. And I've worked for Fortune 500 companies.