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PmMeYourBestComment t1_jd0aypd wrote

Which is absurd for the size of the country… which is also why it’s currently a massive emission problem and political problem


LetMeUseMyEmailFfs t1_jd1vai3 wrote

Do note that most of what the Netherlands exports is imported, not produced.


PmMeYourBestComment t1_jd1zyn3 wrote

Only 1/7th is imported vs what is exported


Hapankaali t1_jd2leot wrote

Note that this is comparing the export and import market values. You can add value economically without adding bulk agricultural goods. So the true import/export ratio of tonnes of flowers is probably somewhere in between 1/7 and 1.


shanksta1 t1_jd1y76h wrote

yeah they're like a flower hub, importing from everywhere then sell (technically export) to the rest of Europe

if you counted imports theyd be at an enormous deficit I'd bet


PmMeYourBestComment t1_jd1zozi wrote

Most gets produced locally. Also check “glashart”. It’s an area full of greenhouses, which produces a lot of things year-round.

Here’s the data. 7 billion in export, 1 billion in import.