USA MLS Home Listings with Price Reduction, as a Percent of Active Listings, by County, September, 2022 [OC]
Submitted by michigician t3_xwe1iq in dataisbeautiful
Percent reduction over what time frame? 1-30 September?
Percent of active listings, active in September, 2022 that have received a price reduction.
How do some regions have over 100%?
I assume if there is a price reduction and then the property goes off market before the end of the month? not sure if the data is good in Alaska with that 1517.
There is either error iinin the data, or I used the wrong data field. It is probably my error, using active listings as the denominator instead of total listings.
Does it handle if a property receives more than one price reduction?
You ruin your credibility when you don't notice your figure has impossible values like 105 and 405 in it. At least bother to proof your post before you do it...
You can always not read it.
The MLS tracks every time a listing has been posted, as well as any price reductions. They likely just went through every listing and counted any that had a "price reduction" input after the most recent "closed" input.
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