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covidkebab t1_itw957x wrote

Could it be banks are hiring Cobol, while universities or research institutes are hiring Fortran?


phyrros t1_itwb9ye wrote

that would be my guess. A whole lot of phds/post-docs need fortran and those are usually badly paid.


ed: I would love to see more datapoints for Julia as it fits right into the same area.

Fortran Julia Python R Matlab and a whole massive group of postdocs which work in areas which touch about all of these languages


minusTHEoso25 t1_ity57ai wrote

That’s probably it. I’m research faculty using Fortran and I make ~65k. Seems bad until you hear what our postdocs make…


bbqandhockeytoo t1_itx6956 wrote

Government financial services (public debt, unemployment, etc) are also still run on COBOL, especially if they are state rather than federal agencies. Some of these "ancient" coding languages are still integral to how our society functions... it's half impressive and 2/3rds terrifying.