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857477459 t1_irantfu wrote

Even though 1990 to 2019 is obviously much more relevant than the one starting in 1750 I still object to and cumulative data regarding emissions. What matters is the rate of emissions TODAY. A country that was bad in the past but is cutting emissions now is in a far better place than one with less emissions in the past but building 100 new coal plants.


gmuslera t1_irbboxl wrote

Carbon cycle. CO2 remains in the atmosphere for 100-200 years. What is causing climate change today is what has been emitted since the start of past century. And the rate at which it has been emitted has increased enough to have the net majority of human based emissions ever in the last decades.


857477459 t1_irbc3ga wrote

We can't fix the past, only the future.


gmuslera t1_irbcvef wrote

Arresting killers won’t resurrect their victims, but will prevent them to keep killing. That is the future that you can change. They are still lobbying for more emissions, more extraction, more burning, more dependence, in all the world.


857477459 t1_irbd10h wrote

Most of the places building new fossil fuel plants are the ones with LOW emissions in the past. That's literally my whole point.


gmuslera t1_irbeaam wrote

But that doesn’t take out responsibility on the consequences of the current excess of GHG in the atmosphere right now. Yes, it is bad to keep adding fuel to the fire, or increasing on that, but if it is so hot now is because all the past burning too.