Roulette simulation: 10'000 players each betting 5'000 times (74% chance of having a negative return ) [OC]
Submitted by nautilus_red t3_y1aw8v in dataisbeautiful
Reply to comment by Ghrota in Roulette simulation: 10'000 players each betting 5'000 times (74% chance of having a negative return ) [OC] by nautilus_red
Thanks for pointing out, single numbers only.
Did you run it with a
payout of 35 or 36?
Normal table or double zero?
I used 35x payout and a normal table.
Can you please post the code?
I am not sure if there is any good way to do that other than paste it in here but here you go.
FYI: I first had some serious ugly for loops to simulate it which was extremely slow so I coded it more efficiently as you can find below (probably it's a bit less intuitive though, I don't know).
######### Simulation #########
import random
import numpy as np
k = 50000000
returns = [-5 for i in range(0,36)]+[170]
return_arr = np.array(random.choices(returns, k = k)).reshape(int(k/5000),5000)
return_arr_sum = np.sum(return_arr, axis=1)
return_arr_cumsum = np.cumsum(return_arr,axis=1)
return_arr_aux = np.ones((10000,5000), dtype=int)*10000
return_path = return_arr_cumsum + return_arr_aux
######### Chart #########
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure
figure(figsize=(15, 7), dpi=100)
# plot 1
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.plot(return_path.T, linewidth = 0.2)
plt.title("Roulette Simulation of " + str(5000) + " Bets \n Start = 10'000 \$, 5 $ per Bet \n ("+str(int(k/5000))+" Player Paths Simulated)")
plt.xlabel("# Bets", fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel("Total Money Left", fontsize=12)
# plot 2
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
pos = [i for i in [return_path[i][-1]-10000 for i in range(0,len(return_path))] if i>=0]
neg = [i for i in [return_path[i][-1]-10000 for i in range(0,len(return_path))] if i<0]
plt.hist(pos, bins = 100, orientation="horizontal", color="green")
plt.hist( neg, bins = 100, orientation="horizontal", color= "red")
plt.title("Distribution of Player Returns After " + str(5000)+ " Bets")
plt.xlabel("# People", fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel("\n Player Profit/Loss", fontsize=12)
You can embed blocks of code like this
'''This code will print a lost containing numbers 1 through 10'''
import numpy as np
np_array = np.array([])
for i in range(1, 11) :
np_array = np.append(np_array, i)
by using the option found here
The better way to do this would be to either create a GitHub repo, or a GitHub gist. Repos are harder to work with but have lots of features for collaboration and bug tracking, gists are easy to use and only have a few features, it's meant to share code snippets and that's it.
I never really used GitHub but it seems that it would be a good investment to look at it if I want to do some more mini projects. Thanks!
Definitely! It's what most software folks use as a portfolio so I'd highly recommend digging into it at some point :)
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