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shpydar t1_is7h1cj wrote

And people here in Canada are in an uproar because we recently banned assault weapons and banned the import of handguns due to our glaringly obvious gun problem.

The majority of us want to be with the cool kids like Australia, Denmark, France, Iceland, The Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden, but too many Canadian's have drunk the U.S. Right wing fascist movement coolaid that clogs up our media and the dumb dumbs want to make us more like the U.S.

(EDIT: the downvotes are proving my point about the uproar)


DL_22 t1_is7iaze wrote

Canadians are upset at the ban because virtually all gun crime in Canada is committed using guns smuggled from the US and no legislation or action to curtail this has been brought forward.

In short, banning “assault weapons” (the government actually calls it “assault-style guns”; neither description actually describes any class of firearm accurately anyway) and handgun imports to legal owners does nothing to actually tackle the gun crime problem in Canada.

If they had paired this with, say, increasing smuggling enforcement on cross-border Indian Reserves there might be less of an uproar because that might actually make a dent in the problem.


PointOfFingers t1_is80l4o wrote

There is a benefit to banning assault weapons or whatever you want to call them. Weapons that can kill everyone in a cafe or church or classroom or parade or cinema before they can flee. If you force people to go to the black market for mass shooting weapons it will make it harder for teenagers and mentally ill people to get them as they don't have contacts in the black market. The last two US school mass shootings involved an 18 year old walking into a gun store and legally buying an AR-15 and hundreds of rounds of ammunition - they had school shooter starter kits on sale.


kazmerb t1_is882z8 wrote

They didn’t have “school shooter starter kits” on sale you fucking idiot, stop lying.


SlagathorTheProctor t1_is8o7lo wrote

Yes, this ban is like lowering a speed limit from 80 km/h to 50 km/h because somebody is driving at 120 km/h.


shpydar t1_is7pcan wrote

Your use of the pejorative term “Indian” explains your views better than anything else you said.

Also if you had bothered to read my link on banning the import of handguns you would have learned that the new legislation includes

>* Fighting gun smuggling and trafficking by increasing criminal penalties, providing more tools for law enforcement to investigate firearms crimes, and strengthening border security measures.

As well since the new legislation and funding there have been major gun smuggling arrests that occured on Indigenous lands.
