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I_said_booourns t1_it7oh4v wrote

Non American here.why is there not a blanket federal legislation to offer opinion to non English speakers?I assume a larger cross section of citizens would increase the chances of electing the appropriate governance? Even if it's a county election, it has a bearing on fed party confidence right? This seems skewed


Randomperson1362 t1_it7ty62 wrote

There is, if a significant percent of the population does not speak English as a foreign language.

The issue, especially with paper ballots, having any language ready go go just isn't feasible. One polling location could have many different precincts, each with its own ballot.

I think electronic machines should be programmed to support many languages, but if there is a paper ballot, and you don't speak English, getting an absentee ballot is probably easier. Then you can translate it at home.


I_said_booourns t1_it7w3qj wrote

Like another poster mentioned, we have 30 languages standard and compulsory voting,so I'm still trying to get my head around the ebb & flow.Thanks for the concise reply randomperson. I know it sounded obtuse, but if you don't ask you don't know