[OC] Chances to attend a "Grande Ecole (Top university) in France. If you want to attend "ENA", the best university in France, you have 330x chances if your father graduated from there.
Submitted by pacmanpill t3_yat1hj in dataisbeautiful
Are the chances equal between the sexes? Or are we assuming men since they are citing fathers? What about if it's the mother who went to Une Grande Ecole?
I'd guess it be probably similar cause a dude who graduates from polytechnique doesn't end up marrying a "commoner", goes the other way around too.
But it was probably easier for them to find a father who went through those scools for the survey than a mother. Very few females in some of those schools as of today : Polythechnique is 15% women in 2022 so imagine in 1990.
Today, Sciences Po would be 60% women (not official stat, but from my experience), and ENA less than 40%. The other schools are roughly like polythehnique cause it's sciences so fair to imagine it doesn't go over 30%.
Intelligence is highly hereditary in developed countries, so I guess it should work aswell
What you mean is wealth and life opportunities are 'hereditary'
No I meant that IQ is highly heritable, although there is a correlation between wealth and IQ
IQ is indeed somewhat inheritable. However, you're assuming France is a perfectly meritocratic country. I'll burst your bubble there : it really isn't.
I never assumed that, I really just said IQ was heritable
Don't serve me that "I didn't say this" bullshit. Your original comment stated that inheritability of intelligence meant that no matter the parent who went to a Grande École, it should give a similar chance for the kid to enter one. Unless your parents lacked IQ, I'm very positive you knew what you meant there, and that's what I refuted.
Ok, I'll explain my reasoning so you can understand : We observe that if one's father went to a GE, one has a higher chance of getting in the GE. However, we know that the GE's selection system is based upon highly difficult maths exams, and that IQ is in large part inheritable. Thus we can assume that we will see more or less the same trend if we replace "father" by "mother".
You're making weird appeals to motives, probably because you're the one who got his little socialist worldview burst.
Very interesting ! At least when it comes to studying the behaviour of hateful eugenists. But I suppose it's easily to become insulting when your poisonous rhetoric is being pointed out.
Whether you accept it or not, it's notorious that social mobility is extremely hard in France. The very fact that you have x25 chances of entering a Grande École when you live in Paris is revelating, especially when you know parisian candidates are a minority. Your attempt at pushing the discourse that you're 330 times more likely to get into ENA after your father did on grounds of IQ alone is ridiculous. You could talk about IQ if you had x100 chances of getting into ENA when you had a certain grade average in school or something, but that's not the case.
We're talking social reproduction and you're babbling genetic reproduction, probably because your disastrous neoliberal "based" worldview doesn't fit with the facts presented here.
Sorry I don't have time to lose! Keep hating on rather than trying to understand and don't forget to downvote and to put a reply nobody will read
What kind of junk science is that?
It's called biology
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