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Chris_Schmitz OP t1_ity8hfv wrote

Okay the headline is a kind of capricious, but it's really interesting how different country do in these times.

The data come from EUROSTAT (link) and I created this with Power BI.


IkeRoberts t1_iu0aw9z wrote

I don't know if it is peace so much as strict control, with other consequences disregarded.


wattafax t1_iu157qr wrote

Everything was crazy expensive in Switzerland to begin with, so when inflation came they were like "nah, I'm good fam"


Chris_Schmitz OP t1_iu3gftc wrote

For us as tourists Suisse prices are a real pain, but purchase power for inhabitants is way better due to their high income. Earning in Switzerland and spending in EU must be a dream …