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Chakamalik t1_iup0amr wrote

So... although it sucks to have a kid hit by a car, it’s still extremely unlikely it will happen. Thanks, I’ll continue too let my kinds have fun :)


Jaddydaddy551 t1_iuv0s6j wrote

Statistically speaking, a child/adolescent is MOST likely to die from a motorvehicle crash

"Motor vehicle crashes were the leading cause of death for children and adolescents, representing 20% of all deaths"



Chakamalik t1_iuvrv7q wrote

Yeeah sure... don’t say the full truth. your own link shows that 4074 children have died just in 2016 in ALL car related deaths (most recent data from your link).

While this graph shows the number of children killed while WALKING and it is a cumulative amount between the years 2004-2020 (17 years total). So an average of 3-4 kids on Halloween...

So once again not much of a change when you break it down