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CPUzer0 t1_iv5tsht wrote

In the 7 years I've had my K7XX, I've had to replace the cable thrice (AKG cable sleeving plastic is horrible and gets stiff and brittle over time) and pads once. Also had to replace one wire that came loose in the right cup. Headband also needs replacing, the tension bands are stretched out and the whatever structurally nonessential clear plastic strips are broken on both sides. They are still in use though.

LCD-2C, haven't used the stock cable much, but the Customcans braided paracord XLR cable lasted me almost two years before needing servicing (fortunately they honor their 2 year warranty). Original pads were also replaced with Dekoni sheepskins at the 2 year mark. The "suspension" strap has seen better days, might look into a DIY replacement at some point, otherwise at 4 years young the headphone is still doing (and sounding) great. Gonna keep them in service until the drivers fail.