I wasn’t asked this specifically, but is essence it was overcome by having experience with the product or the industry the product services. E.g The product is a financial data platform used by hedge fund managers, and I used to work for a hedge fund. I can’t stress enough how good LinkedIn was for finding sales jobs in a particular industry.
I signed up for £20 Udemy course to learn Sales Force (a platform used by sales teams everywhere). It was fairly basic but gave me another thing to say to demonstrate my commitment to the transition to sales.
I’m starting at SDR although from the sounds of your experience you could go in the level above that.
My final bits of advice would be:
keep revisiting your cv every few days, and asking different people to give feedback on it. It’ll gradually get better and better. Also ask your mates to see theirs to see the different formatting styles.
emphasise the persuasion/ soft selling in each of your roles
read or listen to sales books to get more insights into sales. There’s likely a lot that you don’t know you don’t know and it also gives you a basis to have great conversations with the interviewers. The three I read were: Way of the Wolf, Fanatical Prospecting, Sell or be Sold
Good luck! Stick at it. Based on your experience I’d expect you to be able to land a very well paid position if you find the right company where your experience is relevant.
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