CalgaryChris77 t1_ivgwvnw wrote
Why is this so low in most places???
Populationdemography OP t1_ivgx7vt wrote
The respondent had to choose the 5 most important qualities from a list of 11
MatthewtheCannibal t1_ivgxgu8 wrote
Governments don't want their subjects to imagine a world without them being in complete control.. i mean, taking care of them and doing right by them.. the illusion of freedom and security.
CalgaryChris77 t1_ivgxool wrote
That makes it tricky then.
Longjumping-Leave-52 t1_ivh3or5 wrote
India - the land of dreams
itsmeyour t1_ivhzq3k wrote
Do the others!
burns_after_reading t1_ivi18ej wrote
Shout-out to the countries that refused to fill out the survey.
the_6th_dimension t1_ivj6956 wrote
That seems to be an important detail here that was left out.
the_6th_dimension t1_ivj69cd wrote
That seems to be an important detail here that was left out.
DicknosePrickGoblin t1_ivj80tk wrote
Kids come with imagination built in, then we kill it to make them better future cogs for the machine.
crazyhadron t1_ivjaf7x wrote
So that's why there has been so little actual development, everyone is sleeping all the bloody time!
crazyhadron t1_ivjaify wrote
What sort of leftist pothead hippie kabbadi mom did they survey in India?
[deleted] t1_ivjdezs wrote
LostHopeButSearching t1_ivjdys4 wrote
Ok I know this is a joke, but still.
You would have to be blind to not see some of the development India has had.
TheBadBull t1_ivjewvd wrote
As always with these things, results are heavily skewed by how the word "imagination" is translated/explained/understood
LostHopeButSearching t1_ivjko29 wrote
Eh alot of people in India want kids to be Imaginative.
njpaarth t1_ivjyqu4 wrote
Apparently, they had to choose five out of eleven and imagination was one of them
crazyhadron t1_ivk172v wrote
Always two steps forward, and three backward, yes.
crazyhadron t1_ivk1bvw wrote
even a hundred and fifty million dreamers will barely break 10% of the population.
UnderstandingPale597 t1_ivna9m6 wrote
Also indian parents , doctor , engineering or civil services
Leetcoder20 t1_ivno6pz wrote
What's your problem dude?
>active in r/india
Oh never mind, got it.
Leetcoder20 t1_ivno9y8 wrote
India leading, nice. Imagination is super important for kids.
Populationdemography OP t1_ivgwgd7 wrote
World Values Survey. Share of people who agree that Imagination is one of the most important qualities that children should be encouraged to learn at home, %
Source link: WVS
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