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MatthewtheCannibal t1_ivgxgu8 wrote

Governments don't want their subjects to imagine a world without them being in complete control.. i mean, taking care of them and doing right by them.. the illusion of freedom and security.


burns_after_reading t1_ivi18ej wrote

Shout-out to the countries that refused to fill out the survey.


DicknosePrickGoblin t1_ivj80tk wrote

Kids come with imagination built in, then we kill it to make them better future cogs for the machine.


crazyhadron t1_ivjaify wrote

What sort of leftist pothead hippie kabbadi mom did they survey in India?


VALMaX1 t1_ivjep3f wrote

How do you even conducted the survey?


TheBadBull t1_ivjewvd wrote

As always with these things, results are heavily skewed by how the word "imagination" is translated/explained/understood


Leetcoder20 t1_ivno9y8 wrote

India leading, nice. Imagination is super important for kids.