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ethanthe12 t1_ivjyiw4 wrote

Doesn’t most food, after harvesting, or killing the animal. Only stay good for like 2-4 days, (raw), unrefrigerated


royalpatch t1_ivl52fp wrote

Some and unprocessed, sure. With proper storage, i.e., root cellar, potatoes can last months after harvest. Same for most root vegetables. (Carrots, onions, turnips, etc )

Canning can also preserve foods for upto a year usually.

You can also preserve eggs. (I assume meats too, but I've never done that).


vtTownie t1_ivlv9it wrote

Apples in cold storage last >1 year too


Mekito_Fox t1_ivqltfm wrote

Preserving meat would be salting, smoking, or making jerky. Homemade jerky in a fridge can last awhile. This is how it was done before electricity.