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ertle0n t1_ivxk09b wrote

Pretty sure the EU is the worlds biggest trading partner.


martintinnnn t1_ivxm01a wrote

While the US lost 4 years on MAGA politics, China didn't waste time.


DktrMitch t1_ivxmk61 wrote

Very nice! Data presentation and the actual situation


StationOost t1_ivxt7jf wrote

Counting the number of countries as definition is ridiculous. Also, this is an article from January 2020, almost 3 years ago and pre-covid.


martintinnnn t1_ivxtupo wrote

The joke's on the US.

It hurts the US with inflation anytime China is quarantining a city or region. China will just sell its stuff with a jacked up price due to rarity. They lose nothing and the Americans pay more because they get everything from China and rely in Chinese goods for pretty much everything.


cyberjonesy t1_ivxzrga wrote

Made in China !!! China #1 !!!!!!!!! 🤣


lesliestandifer t1_ivz9oi9 wrote

I’m not attributing it to him just pointing out that semiconductor manufacturing is really the only thing left there? Maybe lipo manufacturing but it’s toxic to product maybe want to leave it there idk.


ProjectComplete8604 t1_iw05j9a wrote

Agreed. The only good thing from his presidency was cracking down on China, imo. Did he do it in the best way? Probably not, but every other President just ignored the giant looming problem, and did nothing. At least he got it started. Glad Biden didn't fully reverse course. It will be an interesting next decade. And yeah, the semiconductors bill was passed only a few months ago under Biden. More US investment is still needed, and more "friend-shoring" for the various other industries we need to protect.


glmory t1_iw1dj8g wrote

Not really that simple. Dozens have countries have all of those things. Typically they just remain poor.

Political stability is probably a big part of it. China hasn’t done great in this area but it has outperformed most developing countries. From 1980 to 2010 they had a talented string of leaders. Seems that has ended in the last few years though so unclear what happens next.

One child policy is probably some of it too. They had a few decades with a lot of young adults relative to the elderly and children. Again, about to hit a demographic brick wall but it did help dig them out of poverty.