Submitted by imluke t3_z55n18 in dataisbeautiful
mysilvermachine t1_ixu8ob1 wrote
Somewhere a long way south.
imluke OP t1_ixu8wb3 wrote
Well this is New York City, so depends on your definition really
mysilvermachine t1_ixu8z7j wrote
Yes about the same as Madrid in Southern Europe.
Square_Roof6296 t1_ixu9hn5 wrote
Interesying. What is the program used to create this? And maybe this kind of graphic needs to set fixed equal area for each hour ring.
unusedusername42 t1_ixu9udq wrote
That's a lot of winter sunlight and extremely dark for summer time, compared to my reality. Nice graph though :)
imluke OP t1_ixu9zlz wrote
My comment isn't showing yet, but I used Python and the Astral package to calculate the sun and moon times, and then it's basically a (complicated) dot to dot between those times.
I was inspired by things like this visualisation which is equal area, but having always visualised the year as a circle I wanted to combine the two.
nowarpsignature t1_ixuaa0g wrote
Would also like to know what was used to create this. Would like to make one for where I live. Different long/lat and summer time hour adjustment.
Romanitedomun t1_ixuaawk wrote
Ok, but where? Usa? China? Uk? etc...
whatshamilton t1_ixuahbw wrote
Comment said NYC
TheScienceGiant t1_ixuak7q wrote
For what year is this? It shows a full moon for December 25, but in 2022 the full moon happens on December 7.
imluke OP t1_ixuawit wrote
Should have said, this is for next year (2023). With this year being nearly over it makes sense to start thinking about a calendar for next year.
imluke OP t1_ixub01h wrote
After several of my friends saw mine they suggested I sell it, so I set up a website to do that and I'll make you one, wherever you are in the world
imluke OP t1_ixub5p6 wrote
Not sure where you are, but it does vary a lot, here is Edinburgh for example.
There are also more examples on my website.
unusedusername42 t1_ixububd wrote
Thanks! I'm in a place with summer midnight sun, and where it does not rise above the horizon at all for 25 days in winter. :D
itseensasekaantuja t1_ixubvw2 wrote
Heh, I have lived a town that during the summer has only light and during the winter has only darkness. Today that town gets about 3 hours of sunlight. In a few weeks they will start a month long period of no sun at all.
It takes getting used to and if someone comes to experience it during either of the extremes they are visibly confused.
unusedusername42 t1_ixuc8d6 wrote
It's a true mindfuck, haha! I'm visiting relatives in northern Norway and it definitely messes with one's head a bit. Normally I live in the middle of Sweden where the changes are quite extreme too, sure, but nowhere near as drastic as above the polar circle
itseensasekaantuja t1_ixucjle wrote
I lived in the Finnish Lapland for almost a year. :D
When you say ”mid-Sweden” is that aroung Umeå?
imluke OP t1_ixuf1vw wrote
Precisely, I think it would look much better without that.
Here's London without the jump (and changing the scale instead).
One of the options you can choose on my website is whether or not you want that jump to appear
imluke OP t1_ixuf671 wrote
It really messes up visualisations like this, doesn't it?!
Here's London without the jump (and changing the scale instead).
One of the options you can choose on my website is whether or not you want that jump to appear.
besuited t1_ixufya8 wrote
The further south, the shorter the days in June/July.
This cannot be a long way south.
mysilvermachine t1_ixugt1r wrote
You are quite right. My eurocentrism was showing. Towards the equator would have been better :)
RoninRobot t1_ixuhnq1 wrote
After a lifetime of city living I moved to the country this year where I can see the sunrise and sunset on the horizon... and the position and movement of the sun and moon day-to-day. It’s terribly interesting.
tealcosmo t1_ixui1d4 wrote
Nope. I love my time change.
imluke OP t1_ixui23d wrote
Not quite perfect concentric circles, but a lot closer:
imluke OP t1_ixujbaa wrote
This one is New York City, but I actually created a program to make them for anywhere in the world (and have posted a few examples in reply to other comments).
You can check out some examples for a few other places on my website.
WanderMensch t1_ixukzjj wrote
I don’t like the small yellow part
Aquatic-Enigma t1_ixuofbj wrote
Does it account for local daylight saving?
PresentzAdvance t1_ixuogyp wrote
Not gonna lie, this looks like a great contrast range target
imluke OP t1_ixuohr3 wrote
I don't know that there's a specific name for it. A linear one might be called a sun graph, but I see this more as a type of calendar.
moresushiplease t1_ixuoifu wrote
It so much fun waking up being like oh yay, it's still dark I can sleep more but then being 5 hours late to work. The daylight changes too fast
imluke OP t1_ixuotam wrote
Yes, and actually you can choose to show it like this or to have the scale change instead (after all the sun doesn't really change, it's just our clocks).
See the images on the design page of my website to see what I mean.
Defiant-Traffic5801 t1_ixur39d wrote
So pick a location on your website and get its graph as it is location specific?
[deleted] t1_ixuspr4 wrote
Pithy_heart t1_ixutsk1 wrote
Super rad! That is beautiful
A_Mirabeau_702 t1_ixuubc3 wrote
Eastern Standard Time is actually the Eastern Abnormal Time.
DanglyPants t1_ixuv67u wrote
I’m surprised ads are allowed on this sub but the picture is pretty! If only we didn’t have daylight savings time or we’re on permanent DST.
ArcticBiologist t1_ixuvgl5 wrote
Can you make one for Longyearbyen, Svalbard? Would be cool to see what it looks like deep in the Arctic circle.
makeCakeNotNuke t1_ixuvocf wrote
your website is too hard to navigate to generate a graph, do i have to pay before I actually see the map. I'd not mind paying if I like and decide to get a highdef copy of pdf.
Seems like a subtle plugin for a business.
imluke OP t1_ixuwlmy wrote
I haven't got it set up to generate them on the website (yet), I make each one with a semi-manual process.
I feel there are enough examples on the website that you can get a good idea of what you're getting.
The_Roadkill t1_ixuxrd0 wrote
So gravity pulls the sun down huh?
imluke OP t1_ixuz4ht wrote
In short, Daylight Saving Time. It would look neater without it
tajmer t1_ixv05gy wrote
So it’s basically website to purchase prints and not to create graphs for my desired locations
[deleted] t1_ixv4wkl wrote
Siddhantmd t1_ixv6tkq wrote
Exactly what i was wondering
TheImperios t1_ixv6zrx wrote
It's so weird for me to look at this because I am basically used to nights being non-existent in June
cyberentomology t1_ixv708d wrote
You missed a rather important data point… where?
dimgrits t1_ixv7mel wrote
So quick! As wonderful as it is unusable. Not only where, but when too (for Moon phases).
makeCakeNotNuke t1_ixv8fb2 wrote
That makes sense.
My assumption was this was done automatically. Either way you need to get paid if people like your work. But doing it manually makes more sense since you're investing more time to generate. I hoped that was more clearly mentioned in the webapp.
imluke OP t1_ixv9yi4 wrote
When I print them as posters I put a title at the top with the year and location. The time is then in local time and the hours are there if you zoom in
imluke OP t1_ixva0la wrote
True, although there's a reasonable level of symmetry about noon
EvilMorty137 t1_ixverrd wrote
Can we make daylight savings permanent already? Who gives a shit about when the sun rises. I want more daylight in the afternoon
[deleted] t1_ixvgxdu wrote
gagarin_kid t1_ixviy2c wrote
Does the shape of the wobble change slightly over years/decades? Maybe some astrologists can support 🤔
gagarin_kid t1_ixvj51g wrote
Could you sell one of them already?
rosanoman t1_ixvjcap wrote
Correct. Now go give them money.
OutsideMoscow t1_ixvk236 wrote
Wow, this is amazing. This is my favorite chart I’ve ever seen. Really nice work.
MattieShoes t1_ixvkw89 wrote
Yes but no.
Yes it changes in theory, but not enough to notice.
That said, I'm neither an astronomer nor an astrologist.
MattieShoes t1_ixvl77r wrote
Looks like a radar/spider chart/plot.
OutsideMoscow t1_ixvlnpi wrote
Look back at when we tried it in the 70s. It turns out, most of us want sun in the morning. I mean, I agree with you it’s just interesting that we already tried.
GravitationalEddie t1_ixvmx9o wrote
It's a little late to be putting out calendars for this year.
veryloudmonstercat t1_ixvo3d1 wrote
Case in point that DST in the EST timezone is dumb
direwolf106 t1_ixvrphc wrote
Missing is location. This is only going to work along one east to west line. Go north or south and it changes.
imluke OP t1_ixvsdum wrote
I put the location above it when I print posters. It also changes east to west, although the length of the day would be the same.
New_Pain_885 t1_ixvt6ly wrote
You can see daylight savings time in there. That should narrow it down.
JCBQ01 t1_ixvwd4z wrote
I don't care which we choose. Just. Fucking. Pick. ONE. Personally I want later afternoons but I will accept either
TheScienceGiant t1_ixvxdwq wrote
True. But its also a great time of year for a retrospective.
Moosething t1_ixvyg7g wrote
This is really neat! I've been thinking for a while of creating a visualization like this to explain the consequences of having DST or not for different locations, but never got to it. You almost did all the work for me. The only thing I would personally do is emphasize the 8:00 and 18:00 lines (or something), so it becomes more clear how much daylight we sacrifice and/or gain outside working hours when keeping DST.
VVrath69 t1_ixwaour wrote
The writing on the time axis is far too small, and uses the times “12am” and “12pm”, neither of which exist.
Edit to add: Beautiful data is not ambiguous. Midnight and noon are the unambiguous terms you are looking for. 12 noon is the meridiem and can be neither ante nor post itself. 12 midnight is both 12 hours post meridiem and 12 hours ante merdiem.
Of course, all that nonsense could be avoid if the 24-hour clock had been used for the scale instead.
VVrath69 t1_ixwatma wrote
Agreed, this needs a title to be meaningful.
ThePicassoGiraffe t1_ixwcw73 wrote
moral_luck t1_ixwltpl wrote
Why choose a circle? It distorts perception.
The area taken from 6 am to noon is nearly half the area from noon to 6 pm. What justifies this design choice from a data visualization perspective?
bangonthedrums t1_ixwvkkt wrote
In the example of NYC op posted you can see dst happening where the graph has a sudden jog and it breaks the smoothness
No_Influence_824 t1_ixwyduk wrote
Rather than a transition from black to white I'd like to see a line showing sunset at a variety of latitudes from the equater to the artic circle. Include the tropic. Maybe sunrise coukd be a different color.
A version in standard time year round would be interesting too.
Gone247365 t1_ixwyx3j wrote
My suggestion is to color it with the transition during sunset/dusk and sunrise/dawn.
adamdoesmusic t1_ixx6o0f wrote
Displayed like this, the Winter DST change looks dumber than ever.
FoodAccount420 t1_ixxkeai wrote
Yeah is this allowed on the sub?
sgt-ace t1_ixxkhuh wrote
Damm, didn't thought about it😂
circlewind t1_ixxnpk1 wrote
I was wondering why there is a sudden shift in the time there and shouldn't this close to a circle. And then I remember daylight saving time being a thing...
_OriamRiniDadelos_ t1_ixxntea wrote
I’m not an expert on web design. But I have experience as a dumb website-user. It took a few reads and clicking around to understand how the whole process works. Maybe have the explanation for the concept in the first page instead of at the bottom of the product description? That’s like a restaurant only letting you know what kind of food they sell after you are already seated.The website itself is beautiful tough, so elegant🤩
[deleted] t1_ixxo3vn wrote
nago7650 t1_ixxw3tp wrote
One thing that surprises a lot of people is that New York City (the example show by OP) is actually farther south than Rome, Italy. The majority of the US population lives south of New York City, and the majority of Europe lives north of Rome. To a lot of people in the US, New York City is considered pretty far north and would thus consider the winter months to not have much daylight compared to what they’re used to.
Twentydragon t1_ixxxaex wrote
The location does matter. Farther toward the north pole, and you'd have a greater difference between maximum and minimum thicknesses of the sunlight band. At the equator, this would be nearly circular. And in the Southern Hemisphere, the pattern reverses, with longer days near year's end and shorter ones in the middle.
Twentydragon t1_ixxxgt1 wrote
Both edges represent 00:00, with going forward through the day represented by going outward from the hub to the rim.
Twentydragon t1_ixxxkht wrote
The winter change is Standard Time, an increasingly nonsensical name for a state we spend a third of the year in.
Twentydragon t1_ixxy37y wrote
According to widespread convention, 12 PM is 12:00 (24h). Only the very instant of 12:00:00.0000... is the meridiem; the rest of the minute is post-. Similar applies to 12 AM / midnight / 00:00.
But I definitely agree that 24-hour time is the way to go and obviates this arbitrary half-day-division malarkey altogether.
[deleted] t1_ixxz4r7 wrote
adamdoesmusic t1_ixy036i wrote
I refuse to acknowledge it being “standard.”
Twentydragon t1_ixy0hqz wrote
It's what our time zone would look like without arbitrary clock-changing fuckery introduced under false pretenses and maintained well past its usefulness under even falser ones.
capybara75 t1_ixy2jmd wrote
I've done this exact chart format before in D3 if you want one for your own location I'm happy to share the code!
capybara75 t1_ixy43h5 wrote
It's a good idea, and I've done exactly that here
MeanGreanHare t1_ixy58qm wrote
If anything, time should spring forward in November and fall back in March, so that there's more daylight at the end of winter days.
unusedusername42 t1_ixybx5o wrote
Yeah, I've noticed that! Stockholm in southern Sweden is mistakenly perceived as having similar conditions as NY while it's on the 59th northern parallell, meaning Alaska conditions. At this latitude the Sun is visible for 18 hours, 30 minutes during the summer solstice and 6 hours, 11 minutes during the winter solstice. Further up it gets much more extreme. :)
rosanoman t1_ixycjga wrote
No. Haha it is not
Mike2220 t1_ixyfmd9 wrote
>with going forward through the day represented by going outward from the hub to the rim.
That's what I was wondering
I figured the middle and rim would both be midnight since that's when a day cycles over and why I asked about 12:01 lol
morgulbrut t1_ixyknyv wrote
I've seen the first sunrise after the polar night in Tromsø, it was pretty beautiful.
And one of the weirdest experience was in summer in Rovaniemi, it was already in after midsummer, so at midnight it was twilight, but we could still see where the sun at the horizon. It was in the north. Which is totally explainable but felt a bit off.
itseensasekaantuja t1_ixyoal5 wrote
About 10 years ago I was hiking in the Finnish Lapland during the summer solstice and didn't really bother with the time since the only difference between the day and the night was that it was a bit colder during the night. I actually spent one entire night just hiking since it was nicer to hike with the lower temps.
But at one point I had a pair of Germans arrive at the same campsite where I was, at maybe 1 am in the morning, and they asked what time it was. They'd had trouble getting sleep because it was bright and I think were just amazed at the weirdness of the situation. My theory is that coming from somewhere south into all that could confuse you especially if you kinda rely on your "internal clock" that's tuned to the amount of light. But, if you live all through the transition from the darkest period of the winter all the way to the summer solstice, it actually doesn't seem that out of place.
Blackout curtains are one of those investments that you almost have to do if you cannot adjust to the constant sunlight. Some also purchase those light therapy lamps that artificially create a sense of sunrise in your bedroom. Haven't tried them myself, but I could see those working.
imluke OP t1_ixyre5c wrote
That's helpful, I'll take a look, thanks
imluke OP t1_ixyrilj wrote
There are gradations in there for the three different types of twilight
Gone247365 t1_ixzr06m wrote
Ah, I see them now. Maybe look into making them more visible?
imluke OP t1_ixu8il5 wrote
I created a circular calendar to show the sunrise and sunset times (as well as the times of the three types of twilight and solar noon) and visualise it in a circle. This one is for New York City.
Inspired by things like this and having always visualised the year as a circle I combined them and personalised it for my location.
I used Python and the Astral package to calculate the sun and moon times.
Having made one for myself, loads of people who saw it suggested I sell it, so I set up a website where you can order a printed custom one of your own: