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czarchastic t1_iy9gu7p wrote

Kinda wish there was some way to zoom in and out. Like start with per year and drill inward. Otherwise its an endless scrolling of death.


melance t1_iy9rxpi wrote

If you're on a PC, you can use Ctrl+Mouse Wheel to zoom in and out of the webpage. It's not great but it's something.


authorPGAusten t1_iy9vrqd wrote

Or to filter. Maybe filter by number killed, etc. would make it a more useful graphic.


DevonLuck24 t1_iydb7m0 wrote

pretty sure the purpose is to make you see everyone on there…filtering would be an ignorant feature to add


authorPGAusten t1_iydof47 wrote

Filtering would not preclude people from doing that, and would encourage people to actually see more than they do.


DevonLuck24 t1_iydp9fn wrote

more? that a stretch i could filter for what i was looking for and never look outside of my search results, thus limiting the amount of the list i actually see

filtering does the exact opposite of encouraging people to fully view the list in its entirety..if that was the given point to begin with


authorPGAusten t1_iydv3o2 wrote

disagree. The list is so long that most people don't look at the list. They just start scrolling and realize it is huge. Now if they were able to start with it that way, the same thing would happen, but then they would say, hmm, maybe let me look at the mass shootings with at least one death, and they would go "wow, look at that" then they would be like what about more than 1, what about 3, etc. and in general interact with it more than just dang, too long of list.


DevonLuck24 t1_iydzrae wrote

as someone who definitely just scrolled that entire list because i wanted to see how long it actually was, my opinion is biased because i literally just did what you said most people won’ there is no way for either of us to definitively know, let’s just agree to disagree.

also as i’ve said, the point of the data is important..if the point is to just show the sheer scale, filtering would do the opposite but i don’t know what the purpose was. It’s worth consideration.

have a good one bud


authorPGAusten t1_iye50w7 wrote

Just fyi, adding filtering would not preclude you doing exactly what you did. Complete enhancement with nothing lost.

Have a good one as well