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mfb- t1_iwxsz0k wrote

All acronyms in the picture are used internationally.

The distribution seems to come from the US, because it closely matches this CDC page.


LanewayRat t1_iwy3alh wrote

CDC is the relevant acronym. I know it’s the US now but it takes a while to work it out.

It’s JustDecipherableData not BeautifulData if your audience isn’t able to read simple things like the title.


mfb- t1_iwy699m wrote

Who knows what an Omicron variant is without having heard of the CDC?

The information that these numbers are only the US distribution would have been useful, I agree.


LanewayRat t1_iwy9czg wrote

You are talking like an American who knows nothing of the outside world. We are here on Reddit mate. Many of us aren’t from your country. There is a big wide world out here of people who don’t make the small minded assumptions you do.

I do know the CDC is an American public health authority like the Health Departments of other countries. But it’s a rarely heard term outside the US and obviously requires explanation as a US source.


mfb- t1_iwy9k4q wrote

I'm not an American. But it's funny how you jumped to that conclusion because you couldn't imagine someone outside the US to be familiar with the CDC.