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chazwomaq t1_iz1h076 wrote

Interesting - the amount seems very normal if not extravagant to me. Possibly country differences.


Striking-Tip7504 t1_iz20g4g wrote

I easily spend €250-300 a month on groceries and I often buy things at cheaper supermarkets. So I think €100 in Western Europe would be extremely frugal.

I do eat a high protein and reasonably high vegetables diet. So if I sacrificed my health I could spend less. But it would also be very easy to spend €400 a month if you don’t pay much attention.


chazwomaq t1_iz26swg wrote

Wow! I spend about £400 a month for a family of four. We eat very well.


Historical-Jury-3720 t1_iz2orgs wrote

I spend about that as a single male in the US. Before the American stereotypes come in, I’m fit and don’t overeat 😂


masterdecoy2017 t1_iz3x22n wrote

A healthy diet is usually more expensive, though.


Historical-Jury-3720 t1_iz4zsdp wrote

Of course. My comment was in jest regarding stereotypes of Americans being overweight.


masterdecoy2017 t1_iz517mh wrote

I think you meant statistics, not stereotypes.


Historical-Jury-3720 t1_iz6luyl wrote

No, I meant stereotypes. Stereotypes may be statistically accurate, but not universally valid. In this case you can see how that is true.


masterdecoy2017 t1_iz8gfmo wrote

Sorry, my comment was supposed to be a jest regarding the statistical accuracy of this stereotype. Hope you keep healthy.


Fleinsuppe t1_iz5csjh wrote

Yeah 400€ for me also, single male Norway. Skinny healthy eater


rapidtester t1_iz32vmi wrote

How does one do this... I try to be frugal and spend like twice as much on half the people :/


IffySaiso t1_iz4au69 wrote

Plan ahead. Spend loads of time on preparation.

Buying for more people means buying in bulk, where you would throw that away with fewer people.

The more thrifty people around us plan out their meals for a month, to make sure they can buy in bulk deals, and freeze meals/products for the end of the month. They will use the ingredients of every dish and combine them into other dishes with different spices/herbs/flavors to create some interest. The variety within the season is sometimes a little lacking, but overall it's still balanced over all the seasons.

Frozen seems to be a good choice left or right. Flash-frozen meats, seafood, fish, fruits, and vegetables are considered close to fresh, but usually cheaper. If you have the space at home to store leftovers, so you can buy in bulk.


Scuderia_Renault OP t1_iz5auw2 wrote

Haha! It's mostly the fear of not having a backup when something goes wrong, I guess. We would do the same when we were in India, lavishly overspending, knowing we have our parents financially bailing us out whenever needed.


Scuderia_Renault OP t1_iz5akkk wrote

We are vegetarians. Her Diet is mostly Indian food and vegetables. We sometimes eat a sort of unique grain called millet (cereal crops), a healthier rice substitute and relatively cheaper.


IffySaiso t1_iz4ajig wrote

Netherlands here. We spend roughly €100 a week (€400 a month), which is considered frugal for a family of four eating mostly vegetables, fruits, and proteins. We could go lower if we had less variety in our diet and buy cheaper meats instead of the organic stock and plant-based substitutes we do now.


HieronymusGoa t1_iz4by1e wrote

100 € in western europe is laughable for groceries fo a whole month. unless youd eat out a lot.