Submitted by madredditscientist t3_zf8j7x in dataisbeautiful
ShakeItLikeIDo t1_izaj640 wrote
I’m surprised Snap-On is so high especially since everyone on Reddit claims to be so poor
Weirdnessssss t1_izal1w0 wrote
I only know 2 out of all of these (Bosch, Stanley)
Please forgive me for my ignorance
mcm485 t1_izam4x6 wrote
But I'll agree with that controversial classification 😂
Alfalfa-Similar t1_izamqh8 wrote
black and decker? are they gone?
Side note: Netflix has a cool show “tool that made america” or something close to that. They have an episode about all these guys starting out and how they brought power tools into the home.
Dr-Rjinswand t1_izan8bf wrote
It’s just the typical Reddit echo-chamber of people preaching them on subs like r/BuyItForLife because their uncles best friend once found a snap-on spanner in the woods, so they now of course have a full knowledge of their catalogue.
madredditscientist OP t1_izaphb8 wrote
The idea is to find the most popular brands and products across Reddit based on discussion volume and sentiment.
Tools: PRAW, spacy, BERT, chart.js
Data: r/Tools
Methodology: Named Entity Recognition "NER" applied to comments and posts until one year back. I then ran sentiment analysis on the data to find out if it's a positive or negative opinion (after filtering out ambiguous mentions).
What ranks surprise you? Any other subreddits I should look at?
More analyzed subreddits:
E_Pluribus_Omnom t1_izapsxk wrote
Mmmm Bauer.
Myusername468 t1_izaqp6j wrote
Who the hell loves DeWalt other than companies who want to warranty parts?
Myusername468 t1_izaqz3g wrote
Surprised to not see Pittsburgh even on the list
sumofdeltah t1_izasdhq wrote
I thought Aenima or Lateralus would be on the list
Indomitable_Dan t1_izatjhb wrote
I have DeWalt power tools because they're cheap and plentiful. I've had good luck with them. I rock Stanley and Kobalt for my other tools and have no problem with them either. I have a couple of ancient (1960s) Craftsman tools in my drawer inside the house for simple things. I've used Milwaukee and they're great but I can't afford them. Snap on I don't believe are actually real. I've never seen anyone use them.
dibra4life t1_izaw5vh wrote
Okay so here's my list (I am a carpenter):
Hikoki / Festool / Hilti
Bosch / Makita
happyimmigrant t1_izb26zd wrote
Love my Milwaukee tools, but they aren't flawless. I have a 12v jigsaw which is fucking useless and an 18v belt sander that consumes batteries at a rate which makes it unusable for anything outside the workshop. That said, my other 12 units are spot on. I have an impact that I'm still using daily from 2010. Used it for removing lugs from car wheels, which it handles with aplomb. Actually, I was given an 18v 1/2 drive impact that I never use because the driver still does it better.
PickleMan1212 t1_izc0cy1 wrote
Snap on!! This a premium “brass” plastic mallet. That will be 150$. The knock off on Amazon is 15$. It will cost you $5000 to get universal tool set from snap on
Edit: “maybe” the ratchet set is worth it depending on your trade. But 40$ for a flat head screwdriver?? Get outta here.
Justtryme90 t1_izc328x wrote
Maybe mechanics? My uncle was an auto mechanic and he used Snap On tools. He swore by them being the best.
ConceptualEconomist t1_izc3i4g wrote
Good friend who is a carpenter in New England uses it throughout the winter cause he doesn’t do so well with the cold. He loves it and it’s the difference between him last 2 minutes outside and a few hours.
Jinglelacka t1_izc45lq wrote
Electrician here
I have Milwaukee for everything 12v and 18v and love it except the 18 volt drills are garbage
I bought a Hilti for that and absolutely love it
CyHawkNerd t1_izc7j4c wrote
I can tell you the color for Black and Decker would be orange. No idea why it wasn’t included
thewalrus06 t1_izcb90j wrote
Stanley owns B&D. Not that it would change mentions if looked at but might have an effect on the stats.
Bear_necessities96 t1_izcfasl wrote
Where is Black and decker
AlastairPitt t1_izcfiep wrote
It is good for professionals who actually benefit from the lifetime warranty. Hobbyist should choode something else.
CO_PC_Parts t1_izchjrr wrote
I like all the “blank that made America” except each episode is like 2.5x longer than it needs to be. They drag out each story and then do stupid cliffhangers before breaks. The hen they recap when they come back.
bmlsayshi t1_izcn21l wrote
I wouldn't call Dewalt cheap. They're usually priced on the high end for consumer tools. Cheap-enough maybe? Cheap for professionals? I'm not sure. That said, I typically prefer to buy Dewalt.
Indomitable_Dan t1_izd4le3 wrote
I was able to get a complete set of DeWalt tools lightly used with extra batteries from a pawn shop for $200. I'm thinking for someone who uses them fairly often for cars and housework that's affordable.
scaleofthought t1_izdf5zf wrote
I thought rigid would be higher.
I gave my set to my dad and converted to DeWalt because they were the only ones with an electric trimmer from a popular brand at the time. I didn't want to get a "greenworks" weed Wacker and then have a totally different set of tools and batteries.
I actually really liked my rigid tools. They had serial numbers and a meaningful registration. The DeWalt stuff doesn't care what you have. No serial numbers. Add tools to your online account however and whenever, no proof of purchase, and no serial numbers to enter.
Seeing what rigid has to offer now.... I kind of want to just make the switch back.
I had some DeWalt tools stolen, and the lack of serial numbers made it feel pointless to report. "Anything identifiable about these tools? Like a serial number or anything?"
"Uhhh.... Well. No. There's nothing useful that I can disclose."
"Okay... I'll, make a report with no information then."
"Okay sounds good thanks for wasting your time"
"No problem you too."
And that's basically how that whole process felt like.
khwaled t1_ize425o wrote
Rarely in stock
[deleted] t1_izetabn wrote
LoathsomeNeanderthal t1_izf53p9 wrote
i thought PB swiss would make the list
ZetaZeta t1_izldcm3 wrote
Milwaukee is so powerful, we're charging $50 for a safety vest that Walmart has the official 3M branded one for $20, because it has a Milwaukee logo on it.
Someone posted a meme of a guy using the Milwaukee Packout system to hold his Thanksgiving dinner. But what's funny is they have tiny little plastic coolers that are compatible with the Packout toolbox stacking.
They're $249. LMFAO. That logo is powerful.
A reminder than TTI makes Ryobi in the same factories and often Ryobi outperforms its brother brand, or are exactly identical to Milwaukee.
PmMeYourLore t1_izaivst wrote
Milwaukee goes hard. My impact still kicks after almost 5yrs and the guy that gave it to me had it years before that. He had one of those battery heated jackets does anyone else have a good opinion of them? Milwaukee makes one and it's really sleek but I don't wanna buy something off one opinion