Submitted by giteam t3_zgt8ye in dataisbeautiful
[deleted] t1_izinjpk wrote
outm t1_iziroye wrote
Today, Vodafone is worth about 24£ billion
Interesting how in some years the world has changed so much: tech companies surged (even going some overrated in their worth in the stock listings in my opinion: Tesla, Apple, Google…); meanwhile, others have lost so much worth (telecoms for example)
uselessartist t1_izivhcx wrote
Notice how many were just before big bubbles bursting.
RedOblivionLW t1_izixaua wrote
I think TECHNICALLY time Warner still purchased AOL. Even though that was one of the worst business decisions even know to man.
NovaticFlame t1_izj22ag wrote
I think you got it backwards. AOL purchased Time-Warner, since they were worth more at the time. But AOL exec’s let them think it was the other way around, since AOL was young and inexperienced. AOL leveraged their high market cap due to the bubble to make a deal.
Source is from The Fifth Wave. Great read if you ever have time!
NovaticFlame t1_izj24fy wrote
I work for one of the spin-offs from that merger. Very interesting indeed lol
howtochangename1 t1_izjasy9 wrote
Fuckin vodafone? The sim company?
Figgybaum t1_izjcvde wrote
10 out of the 20 biggest mergers ever happened in 1998,1999,2000
InadvertentHoosier t1_izjf3ni wrote
Giant tech bubble.
Jim-N-Tonic t1_izjhs7t wrote
What made it odd?
FartingBob t1_izjin6y wrote
They have (and had back then even more) market leading phone services across large parts of Europe, at the time when mobile phones were becoming very common. It's was seen as an absolutely huge growth industry and carriers rather than phone makers were the ones being valued more.
FrameofMindArtStudio t1_izjiujt wrote
Vodafone royally fucked me over recently so this just makes me even more salty.
upwaydown t1_izjlt7y wrote
It all happened so quickly and at such a large scale. When merged (Dec 2015), DowDuPont was the largest chemical company in the world by far. They merge to reorganize their assets, secrets, and liabilities with each other while creating a new public stock for a short amount of time. They broke up in March 2017 into 3, more product-concentrated companies. Dow, DuPont, and Corteva were the result and are still industry leaders today. In hindsight it appears DuPont and Dow split up assets and secrets in a tax-efficient/dodging way. Dow seemed to get the better deal in the end imo.
tonification t1_izjm33n wrote
Interesting how few of the big ones are recent. Have mega mergers gone out of fashion?
g_spaitz t1_izjo0az wrote
It's not just tech, there's oil, pharma, banks in there.
mnemloch t1_izjo8ib wrote
edit: I'm dumb and can't read.
InadvertentHoosier t1_izjol25 wrote
I’m just talking about the dot com bubble!
[deleted] t1_izjoqjm wrote
passed_turing_test t1_izjq1j3 wrote
AOL and Time Warner. This will be taught in bad decisions in business schools for a long time. Proof that CEO's "vision" is limited.
JamminOnTheOne t1_izjtkv3 wrote
Look more closely. United Tech and Raytheon is on there, but at a higher inflation-adjusted number.
RedOblivionLW t1_izjyr3z wrote
Ye I just watched a video on it and it's insane that time warner just agreed to it.
And you where right AOL bought them
notyogrannysgrandkid t1_izk2dss wrote
Telecom companies are seriously dirty sluts
[deleted] t1_izk3tnt wrote
Worth_Apartment1562 t1_izk7zor wrote
i know vodafone from mclaren in f1
TheOutlawStarLord t1_izk9f8j wrote
I always wondered why my Kraft Ketchup started tasting like Heinz back in 2015.
boxofducks t1_izk9w22 wrote
Figma balls
bradleykent t1_izkbmvs wrote
I found it interesting how many of these large merger acquisitions occurred in 1998-9 and 2015.
Those were big years for mergers apparently.
inhocfaf t1_izl2rix wrote
Wiki is wrong in this case. Here is the Form 8-K:
ERSTF t1_izl57ow wrote
It has been. It's been touted as the worst business decision ever
ZetaZeta t1_izlby64 wrote
Good thing they didn't do each other dirty, like Google buying Motorola for $12.5 Billion, pocketed their patent portfolio, then sold Motorola to Lenovo for $2.9 Billion. 😂
ksharpalpha t1_izlrhmm wrote
That was entirely the point of Google buying Motorola. They were always in for their parent portfolio because they were afraid someone like Apple, Microsoft or Samsung (for Tizen)would buy Motorola and weaponize their patents and kill Android.
Suspicious-Feeling-1 t1_izlry9s wrote
Honestly Apple & Google have grown into their valuations a lot more than many people realize. Even by pretty traditional metrics (eg P/E ratio) they're barely above average, and that's with them still making pretty giant investments in growth. Agree on Tesla though
Crazy-Database6635 t1_izlze9j wrote
I'm still in fucking pain serious pain because those fuckers, I'm still just stuck on the typical old same old crap painkillers, I wanted to try something I thought of, a way to hack into a cell and completely disable the pain signal, but they would lose money, they can't have that, so they stole the election
PinealFever t1_izm4atu wrote
Coming in at second on this list is literally the only good thing about the AOL/Time Warner merge.
Turbulent-Mango-2698 t1_izmb3kc wrote
Precisely zero of these should have been approved.
kogus t1_izmetdv wrote
Cool! Research ftw
iamamuttonhead t1_izmkxuj wrote
This is so weird. I always thought that Time Warner bought AOL.
[deleted] t1_izmwtg5 wrote
Murky-Plastic6706 t1_izmznbi wrote
I'm gonna have to look up that last one...
dmgirl101 t1_izmzz2s wrote
Yeah, everything took place so quickly. However, dates are not that accurate, it all started in 2017 and completed in 2019. The divestiture included only some Businesses though.
upwaydown t1_izoo9j8 wrote
You're right, I've should have specified the dates I used were when they announced their plans, not completed them.
mynameismy111 t1_izyb8ma wrote
Golden parachutes
giteam OP t1_izigz7j wrote
Tools: Figma