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Duckboy_Flaccidpus t1_izsk3lh wrote

I only see it as ineffecient right now b/c there seems to be a doctor shortage ( I use the term loosely, it's not in dire straights but there could be more white coats) which delays patient visits and keeps the supply for healthcare controlled which is also why it is expensive. The access to it though is superior than most countries. Border hospitals in the northern US like Seattle, for example, will service many Canadian patients who dont' want to wait 1 yr for a procedure.


Testafail t1_izurtdx wrote

Whatever your excuse, USA system is lame for a developed country. Now even chinese people have a better life expectancy than Americans. Pityful


Duckboy_Flaccidpus t1_izuuh4w wrote

What I will say is that it is setup in a way whereby it maintains health and not sickness prevention. The internet said something like 70% of people are overweight which is the western diet, it's called SAD (standard American Diet) and it is just that. We need a re-education and more affordable, healthy food options.


Testafail t1_izw3g8u wrote

Never heard about SAD, just looked into it, I stand corrected indeed. Western diet ? I think diet in most western countries isn't as terrible as in USA, although ofc we eat too much processed sugar. Why are USA so much into SAD btw ? I don't understand the history behind this.