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weluckyfew t1_j02nt1c wrote

I'm very curious to see their sales figures for the past few months - I have to think that owning a Tesla is rapidly becoming far less chic (not to mention all the new EVs on the horizon from everyone else)


gza_liquidswords t1_j058eue wrote

The more important point is that Tesla is not valued as an electric car company. This valuation might be $60-120B depending at most. Tesla's inflated valuation (was up to $1.2 trillion at one point!) is as a "tech" company, and that genius Elon will transform the world with his latest brilliant idea to make humanoid vacuum cleaners or whatever.


between_two_cities t1_j06kmfr wrote

To be fair, turning the existing Tesla car-fleet into autonomous taxis that their owners can rent (with Tesla getting a cut) would be pretty revolutionary.

Sadly, seems like this is far from reality.


gza_liquidswords t1_j06m3j0 wrote

I think not only if is far from reality, but it also never made sense why Tesla and Tesla alone would be able to pull this off. The answer is the myth of Elon the genius, who would somehow single handily pull off what many companies are trying to accomplish. In any case I think it slowly starting to "sink" in to most people that Elon is not a genius


between_two_cities t1_j06mer7 wrote

Because it is a tech company. They offer tech company salaries to AI researchers. Compared with that, VW offered me something like 45k USD per year in my Central European country.

This service is not even of VW's radar.

There is only Tesla and Waymo who are even remotely near this goal.


334578theo t1_j04z7xw wrote

Probably just me but everyone time I see someone driving a Tesla I roll my eyes. It’s the ultimate signal of being a bit of a muppet. Similar to wearing Balenciaga clothes.

Yep knew it was just me


nova9001 t1_j053pcn wrote

They are still dominant but losing market share because of all the new competition. In China, they used to be the no 1 EV seller but they are now no 2 and have to offer discounts to get their cars out the door. Not a good sign.

In US, Tesla is still very dominant and their 2 closest competitors, Ford and Hyundai far behind.


rhiever t1_j03nuib wrote

Teslas still dominate the EV market.


weluckyfew t1_j03vags wrote

The share is shrinking (but still high) - let's see where it stands in a year.


Stribband t1_j05uqww wrote

Share doesn’t matter sales do. Tesla still breaks records each quarter.


Thialase t1_j04vepc wrote

sure perhaps now, but with time I don't think that'll be the case. Won't pretend like I know everything. But from the way I see things, in the U.S it's mostly left leaning people who want EV's badly. I'm sure rich right-wing people would buy them too, but right-wing people don't really buy into the whole EV / climate friendly aspect of things.

What I'm trying to say is, with the way musk has been behaving "lately", I think it's going to put off a lot of the people who'd normally want a tesla and make them buy something else, as they don't want to support musk. That, along with other companies making nice EVs are going to eat into their market share.

But hey I could be wrong and be talking out of my ass. Just saying what I think is going to happen.


ChlorineQueen t1_j055sf8 wrote

Rich right wing people buy trucks


Fearless_Entry_2626 t1_j061u65 wrote

Isn't driving drucks outside of work situations seen as tacky over there?


SolumRasa t1_j06puo6 wrote

If you mean in the US, no. I mean some think that, but the majority don’t think it’s tacky. They just don’t care or are the ones driving them lol


svaerde t1_j04b1ix wrote

The EV market is projected to grow from 800k/yr in 2022 to 4.8 million EVs in 2030 (US only). Even if the market share halves that’s still 3x 2022 sales. At the moment there is a huge supply shortage for EVs. Not sure how it is in the US but 12-18 months is considered a normal delivery time for a KIA/VW/Mercedes EVs in Europe. The only company able to deliver is Tesla with 2-6 month delivery times. That is due to scale, supply chain efficiency and vertical integration. Then you also need to consider that other manufacturers are selling at cost/loss whilst Tesla has a 30% margin on its cars which is huge in the auto industry.


Bewaretheicespiders t1_j03h29k wrote

> I have to think that owning a Tesla is rapidly becoming far less chic

You have to get off reddit a bit more.


weluckyfew t1_j03jhql wrote

Spare me your ignorant patronizing - Musk wanted to make Tesla synonymous with himself, and now its fortunes are tied to his. If you don't think a lot of public opinion has soured on him you're not paying attention. His flailing with Twitter has become a national joke, and his actions (reinstating Trump, firing half the staff, tone-deaf statements) have taken away a lot of his luster.


sleeknub t1_j049lxd wrote

“Flailing” with Twitter? What flailing? And it’s not a national joke… where do you get that?

Tesla is doing absolutely fine when it comes to sales.


Bewaretheicespiders t1_j03p8rc wrote

No yeah, that rant clearly mark you up as level headed and well adjusted and not a little obsessed with whatever the latest reddit circlejerk is /s


weluckyfew t1_j03v6un wrote

Wow. Are you so deep into the Musk cult that statements like "a lot of public opinion has soured on him" and "his actions have taken away a lot of his luster" qualify as a "rant"?

Dude, he's literally the butt of jokes on late night monologues now.


weluckyfew t1_j03wgbv wrote

lol just read that your GodKing is now promoting Qanon and is yet again accusing someone he disagrees with of being a pedophile forcing an innocent man into hiding after death threats.

But ya, it's crazy to think people would start to lose respect for him -


Bulky_Researcher226 t1_j03xwru wrote

Did you even read the article before referencing it?? That is the weakest article I’ve ever seen. I disagree with Musk on shit but saying that he promotes Qanon because he quoted the matrix is terrible journalism. To be fair, it’s par for the course for Reddit


weluckyfew t1_j03zxxx wrote

It's been a Qanon phrase for years ( here's 2018, and 2017 and white rabbit themed Qanon merch )- as Musk would know - and certainly the Qanon crowd thinks it was a wink to them. Add that to Musk's "Twittergate" conspiracy nonsense, a penchant for screaming "pedophile!" at his opponents, reinstating the accounts of Qanon folks, the Fauci conspiracy nonsense...


bergercreek t1_j046upd wrote

Yeah, dude. You really oughta get off reddit more.
