Submitted by yaph t3_zmkvdh in dataisbeautiful
yaph OP t1_j0bi121 wrote
- Data source:
- Graphic source:
- Tools: wikidata-dl, D3.js, Inkscape
The data for this graph was retrieved in November 2022. Information on influence relations in Wikidata is not complete and may be inaccurate. If you find a mistake you can edit the corresponding item on
Affectionate-Set4208 t1_j0bodyp wrote
What do the color, size and edges mean?
yaph OP t1_j0bppah wrote
The colors are based on the Louvain method for community detection, the node size represents the number of influenced languages within this graph and the edges point from influencing to influenced languages. There are small arrow markers that show the direction, better visible when you zoom in on the graph on the graphic source page.
Affectionate-Set4208 t1_j0brk2r wrote
a nice way to see the arrows direction is knowing that they always turn clockwise from their source
yaph OP t1_j0e32he wrote
That's a very good observation, didn't even realize that myself until now.
Affectionate-Set4208 t1_j0br9y1 wrote
Nice, thanks
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