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jaj-io t1_j0gmunh wrote

Not going to lie, I thought this was a comparison of barcodes through the years.


IchbinNeijing t1_j0h0jxm wrote

which one do i scan to redeem my ugandan prince account, i'm down for millions


Inevitable-Resort662 t1_j0hgw10 wrote

6 months ago I was working in 40c, now I’m working in -10c. A 50c variance is pretty crazy. I’ve not seen it in my life time


ineedutolisten t1_j0hovoh wrote

Comparing measurements made on digital thermometers with those from old mercury ones that were read by myopic monks is a perfect example of not understanding the importance of accuracy and precision.


Throweezy31 t1_j0hstyf wrote

And yet this is the ridiculous approach that underlies mainstream climate science temperature records.

I wish more people understood the point you are making but apparently it’s beyond most peoples ken.


Mtfdurian t1_j0i2xym wrote

Does it also have a correlation with sunshine duration? Here on the other side of the North Sea (Netherlands) it has been an exceptionally sunny year with quite the extremes, we're now at 2200h, similar to Florence.


MolybdenumIsMoney t1_j0i3lkk wrote

We don't have reliable records of daily temperature measurements going far back, but we can still derive historic seasonal temperature with tree ring and ice core data reliably.

Accurate daily comparisons over the last several decades can also be made, and there has been substantial change in the last several decades.


FeynmansMiniHands t1_j0i741e wrote

This is a common but incorrect feeling. Unless you work in a lab with NIST certified equipment, the glass thermometers used by 18th century english scientists are almost certainly both more accurate and more precise than any thermometer you've ever handled.

The CET dataset only specifies temperatures to a 0.1 degree precision, which even the earliest mercury thermometers could achieve.

Science and technology has improved, but we don't need to measure temperature out to the 5th decimal places for climatology.


123xyz321Z t1_j0iijw9 wrote

A little something for everyone. Well done, Mother Nature.


punaisetpimpulat t1_j0js2xf wrote

That’s a very odd way of plotting this data. Obviously, you must have tried geom_boxplot, geom_violin or even geom_histogram first. What kind of exotic problems did you discover while trying all the sensible options?