Submitted by Hi_its_GOD t3_zzej0r in dataisbeautiful
mimprocesstech t1_j2cakli wrote
Reply to comment by bumbletowne in [OC] Weekly Plastic and Metallic waste from a 150 Seat Diner (lbs) by Hi_its_GOD
- PETE (more commonly PET) is PolyEthylene Terephthalate.
- HDPE is High Density PolyEthylene
- PVC is PolyVinyl Chloride
- PP is PolyPropylene
- PS is PolyStyrene
Source: I've been working with plastics for ~10 years.
johnnymetoo t1_j2ccocg wrote
Are the ketchup packets made of LDPE?
mimprocesstech t1_j2cdxw4 wrote
Most are yes, along with a foil liner that prevents their recycling, but helps preserve the ketchup or something.
newaccountzuerich t1_j2cxglm wrote
The foil layer is an oxygen-impermeable layer.
Thin plastics can slowly allow gases to cross, and without the foil layer the shelf life of the contents would be reduced.
Saxonbrun t1_j2deg3p wrote
Additionally the acidity of ketchup will eat through most plastic. Ketchup bottles are made of PET which isn't affected by the acidity, along with a small amount of EVOH to serve as an oxygen barrier to prevent spoilage.
swaggyxwaggy t1_j2diuoc wrote
extra virgin olive hoil
BujuArena t1_j2clls4 wrote
Thank you for this amazing comment. Do you happen to also have ideas about the recycling implications of these plastics worldwide? I'm curious if they can all be recycled in Norway but some can't be in North America because of lacking technology.
mimprocesstech t1_j2cq1p8 wrote
From what I know, all are recyclable with caveats, some of which I will mention below. NA doesn't lack the tech, it's more realistically the motivation, there's generally no money in it unless it's sorted, sorting takes money, so very often it is sold to poorer countries or countries like China where it can be sorted relatively cheaply or incinerated as fuel to generate electricity.
Other considerations are things like FDA and others regulations that prevent something that has been to a consumer (all of us) from going back into the production stream for use in medical or food/beverage containers for health/safety reasons. I'm not sure if it's because they fear a virus may survive the manufacturing processes (almost impossible, unless it's purely a clean and reuse type of thing) or because thermal degradation of the regrind material or material mixed with others containing different additives could affect the packaging (far more likely, especially in the case of PolyStyrene [PS] that uses foaming agents often to make Expanded PolyStyrene [EPS]--like foam cups that McDonald's used to have). It's also why mixed material packaging, like ketchup packets with foil liners and milk cartons can't be recycled, the outer carton is paper, but there is a plastic liner inside of it.
AlaninMadrid t1_j2d1249 wrote
There is some concern about contaminants in recycled PET leeching into water sold in bottles utilising recycled PET. Theories include printing ink, adhesive, labels and "dirt" - hence a general preference for virgin material.
RandomUsername12123 t1_j2dckeo wrote
>It's also why mixed material packaging, like ketchup packets with foil liners and milk cartons can't be recycled, the outer carton is paper
Ketchup packs are just too small and not worth even trying to recycle, inceneration is the best way to dispose of it.
With the proper configuration and air filtration there is no environmental impact for the process
And the milk boxes are made of Tetra Pak, which is recyclable.
mimprocesstech t1_j2dt11n wrote
>Ketchup packs are just too small and not worth even trying to recycle, inceneration is the best way to dispose of it.
Good point.
>With the proper configuration and air filtration there is no environmental impact for the process
Very true, should've mentioned that.
>And the milk boxes are made of Tetra Pak, which is recyclable.
Did not know that. Cool. So whatever you buy your milk in, it's recyclable lol.
himmmmmmmmmmmmmm t1_j2dm0mn wrote
Well, you need a source of energy for the incinerator, and that has an environmental cost
RandomUsername12123 t1_j2dmt9e wrote
Plastics are just oil with extra steps, it autofuels itself and produce energy :)
The only problem would be if the stuff got wet and a few days under the sun solves that
hjake123 t1_j2dyiuy wrote
I mean I guess in a existential way any process, recycling or not, has an "environmental impact". If the only cost is energy, though, we could have that impact be pretty minimal.
RandomUsername12123 t1_j2dcbt8 wrote
>(unless it's purely a clean and reuse type of thing)
We have the tech for that too.
mimprocesstech t1_j2dsq6s wrote
Yes, just stating that the possibility of a virus surviving the process was greater instead of chopping up and reusing the plastic in something like injection molding where the melting temperature usually far exceeds the temperature a virus can live at. I didn't mean to imply it couldn't be done or isn't being done.
PM_me_punanis t1_j2dheih wrote
This is why I sort some packages as trash because I know there's plastic liners inside them. But people tell me to put them in the recycling bin. I'm like... They can't recycle this.. sigh. I feel like the pre-sorting that happens at home is just a feel good effort.
I am a medical professional and I have been wanting to know where our waste goes. I know most of our trash gets incinerated but it would be great to have a visual like this!
mimprocesstech t1_j2dwxgc wrote
Depends on whether or not it has been used. Anything that comes in contact with bodily fluids is supposed to be incinerated, irradiated, or steamed in an autoclave as you know. Lab fluids (not bodily fluids) have to be rendered inert chemically, but then can probably just be poured down the drain.
I guarantee a good portion of medical expenses is derived from disposal requirements. I would like to see if any bloodborne pathogens could survive regrinding and extrusion... then the only issue is how it's transported.
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