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Bokbreath t1_j1tmpqp wrote

What do you mean by baseload prices ? Baseload is the minimum load required to keep the grid running. I'm not sure why those prices are relevant.


highcharts OP t1_j1tn47c wrote

Yes, you are right. The idea is to make it on an interactive chart to be better displayed and get better interaction, such as showing countries within the same range.


Somehow-Still-Living t1_j1uaidz wrote

The selections are inconsistent and have no rhyme or reason to them other than showing that you can interact with them. If you insist on using a gif, start blank and then reveal in a comprehensive order (ie: Lowest to highest), then give a longer period after all are revealed so that people can take in the full chart. Though, for such a small change, I’d honestly suggest just using a flat image.


s33d5 t1_j1v6mql wrote

Appreciate the effort, however I see why people dislike it - the animation is unnecessary as you can easily get all the info from the easy to read colouring.

Re post without animation and it will be much better received!


mxlevolent t1_j21asui wrote

Yeah, we're in a bad way in the UK...