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Rotato_chips t1_j2idnyb wrote

People are critiquing, but I think you did well given the resources available!. I think of a red to blue gradient when looking at temperature, perhaps that’s something to try out here


sirquincymac OP t1_j2kc583 wrote

Thanks mate, I think you are the first to offer any suggestions on making my graph more aesthetically pleasing 😂


kelvinwop t1_j2lb33g wrote

literally measure temperature in one room then another alternating on every other day then plot out two lines in different colors lol, its so simple

otherwise make two separate graphs... putting them together clearly draws attention to the point of change which is dumb


hey-im-root t1_j2ityfu wrote

I didn’t see anything wrong with the graph and was surprised when I saw the comments. I guess you can be picky about just bout anything nowadays