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pipboyover9000 t1_j2nt9n0 wrote

In all seriousness, there is no logical connection between the second burrito being weighed as the highest and your hypothesis

There is outlier data that matches the initially high data points in the latter half of the set, that if normalized by a moving average would be identical in value


Finny_b t1_j2o81k7 wrote

The real connection is that having a massive burrito on your 2nd ever trip to a place may trigger or encourage tracking of the weights of burritos. Op may have been intreagued by the varience in weights, perhaps hoping next time or one day they'll get a bigger burrito, only to chase that high or PR for the remainder of the experiment.


zvug t1_j2s2u6c wrote

If the second one is what triggered it, then the first one we’d have data for would be that one (or the third).

The fact that we have data for the first seems to imply that isn’t the case.