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JPAnalyst t1_j2zp9bb wrote

That’s obtuse as hell. The current supply yes, but you and I both know that future supply would decrease. I don’t understand why you feel the need to push against commonly known supply and demand theory. The mental gymnastics you people are going through. Just fcking eat meat if you like it, but don’t try to fool other people.


The_Paradoxigm t1_j2zqnr9 wrote

If you're going to argue with me. Keep it to one thread. As I said in my other reply. It's not about supply and demand. This chart says eating less meat will save animals.

It will not.


Rorik1356 t1_j2zr53n wrote

Geez, the unreasonable anger is strong with this one.


JPAnalyst t1_j2zrc34 wrote

If you have a high tolerance for utter ignorance good for you. You’re a better person than me.


imacatnamedsteve t1_j31ap9i wrote

“Utter” ….. tee hee …… sorry I thought your word choice was fun considering the topic, don’t hate me too much 😬