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frokta t1_j32l3w5 wrote

It's weird how South Korea seems under represented, with companies like Samsung, LG, & Hyundai/KIA.


Andulias t1_j331s3n wrote

It's not that weird. There is space only for so many chaebols.


justreddis t1_j353adt wrote

You just hope one of them can crash land on you


Acrobatic-Event2721 t1_j34kmgj wrote

Maybe those companies are monopolies or near monopolies that there’s no competition. IRC Samsung makes up approximately 20% of S.Korea’s GDP.


cavscout43 t1_j34phit wrote

Yeah. When a company is like 1/5th of your economy, you're probably not going to have 60 of the top companies by market cap there.


cavscout43 t1_j34pini wrote

Yeah. When a company is like 1/5th of your economy, you're probably not going to have 60 of the top companies by market cap there.


beepbeepboopbeep1977 t1_j3444ys wrote

It’s probably the county where the stock exchanges that trade stocks in those companies are, not the registered head offices of the companies.


LukePendergrass t1_j35pwws wrote

Ireland and other tax havens would be ranked very well if it was legal HQ location


Prestigious-Rip-6767 t1_j35ckmi wrote

i think samsung market cap is not that big considering its technological impact and market share among different markets