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sumsofanarchy3 t1_j358q4x wrote

This is misleading. Many of these family owned businesses are publicly traded and included in the top 500 in the chart. Walmart, Berkshire, Ford, BMW, etc.


Yes_Primeminister t1_j35bi5m wrote

It's about the private family owned businesses. They are mostly german and would appear in the top 500 if they would be publicly traded.


sumsofanarchy3 t1_j35dy79 wrote

But they are publicly traded? BMW is on your list and in the top 500.


Yes_Primeminister t1_j35f3tt wrote

I couldn't find a list of private family companies. Just look at the percentage of hold shares by the families. Those with 100% family hold shares are mostly german like Schwarz, Aldi and Bosch.