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JoeFalchetto t1_j329jjr wrote

Switzerland and the US really swinging above their weight.


dKabz t1_j32azdz wrote

India so big, they need to represent it twice


JoeFalchetto t1_j32c1bn wrote

I know, and I do not see how that is relevant.

It is even more impressive; the Swiss economy not only benefits from the internal production, but also from the profits generated abroad and brought back, and the taxes related to those profits. Swiss companies are so successful that they can go abroad and outcompete the local firms.

Same for the US. We have tried to grow some level of modern tech giants who could stand their ground against the Americans, but in the EU we keep failing, and the profits and know-how which can be extracted go back to America.


pk10534 t1_j32f1fr wrote

Seems like the EU has decided to pick the approach of being the world’s regulator for tech companies rather than being its innovator like Silicon Valley has become. Which is understandable; frankly, I just think that the risk culture and defense spending in the US that led to its behemoth tech industry exist in a different culture than that of many European nations. Unless that changed, I sadly don’t think the EU has much of a chance of catching up the US or even China.


HieronymusGoa t1_j32g47z wrote

so the more exploitation the more top 500 companies?


frokta t1_j32l3w5 wrote

It's weird how South Korea seems under represented, with companies like Samsung, LG, & Hyundai/KIA.


Ikkon t1_j32yvrv wrote

Interesting how low the EU countries are.

American companies have 15 times larger market capitalization than German ones, despite America only having 4 times more people and 5.5 times the GDP of Germany.


themaninthe1ronflask t1_j3333ov wrote

The Netherlands kicks ass. Population of LA county and 14% of companies. Good for those windmill loving, wooden shoe wearing stoners.


JuRiOh t1_j3383o5 wrote

World war 2 was a huge setback. The comeback is often even called the "economic miracle".

US Market share is getting carried by silicon valley.

Also generally: Large population x High GDP = High Market capitalization


keetz t1_j33a1d7 wrote

One thing to remember is that stock markets and countries are not comparable.

A company making X per year in Italy will be valued at Y.

Another similar company making X per year in the US will be valued at 2Y.


Balrok99 t1_j33grrh wrote

Ah yes... Hong Kong country ...


christian4tal t1_j33lv4j wrote

The chart contains number of top-500 companies, not market capitalisation in general.

So the US has more companies in the top-500 list perhaps because companies grow big faster in th US due to access to a huge and rich home market. Probably a whole lot of smaller companies in Europe, as the GDP is similar (I know, I know cant compre exactly like that).

Just means that American companies tend to grow to the top-500 size more often


Inny-CA t1_j33nsy4 wrote

It doesnt necessarily indicate the country is dependent on large companies just that they produce more companies of high value. Like South Korea is 4% of the top 500 but 20% of SK GDP comes from Samsung alone indicating they are more reliant on large company(s).


pizzamann2472 t1_j33qvf4 wrote

To even have a market cap, a company also needs to be publicly available at the market in the first place. In many European countries, it is much more common to have privately owned billion-dollar companies than in the US, where the stock market plays a much bigger role.


FrankyMihawk t1_j33xqdq wrote

I wonder how that chart would look if compared to amount of tax paid by those companies.


Myojin- t1_j33yof4 wrote

I’d like to see that chart through the years.


Inny-CA t1_j33zlmt wrote

To me its interesting when you take population into account. Like Canada has a population of 35m but makes up 4%. Also the obvious one of USA having a population of 300m yet they make up almost half of the list.


MasterFubar t1_j341i0o wrote

> access to a huge and rich home market.

Are you saying the European Union isn't huge and rich?

I would say the reason is because European corporations face more regulation hurdles that limit their growth.

Look how the percentage for Switzerland is the same as for Germany, despite Germany having almost ten times as much population.


Gabriele2020 t1_j3440af wrote

no African countries here. On the other hand, I bet that most of the production of the biggest companies is delocalised in Africa.


johnniewelker t1_j345bbl wrote

Where do you have Accenture or Medtronic? US or Ireland?


aplayer124 t1_j348nha wrote

Because the question was answered before the question was asked, making the question completely irrelevant. If you look at the OP:s response above he says "My bad.. blablabla". Admitting that he made a mistake. This is why the Indian flag is shown two times. It is because the OP made a mistake. But why would you need to ask two times the same question when the first time that question was asked has already been answered? I tell you, for no reason at all. This is why that comment is downvoted.


Frisky_Potato42nite t1_j34dk0g wrote

And yet…. “We don’t have enough money to give you guys a raise” America….


MasterFubar t1_j34gpjb wrote

> The US is a single market.

The US is fifty different markets, every state has its own laws.

> Switzerland is an outlier on everything related to economics.

Exactly. And the important thing is learning why and how this happens. Venezuela is another outlier in economics. Look at the laws, regulations, political and economic systems each country has and you'll know why they have different levels of development.


ColdHardRice t1_j34hgak wrote

I think this depends on source/how GDP was estimated. 1890 is a common year I’ve seen where the US overtook the British empire, with 1871 being the date where the US overtook the UK alone.


asskicker1762 t1_j34iufm wrote

So this is number, not revenue? Would love to see full cap


[deleted] t1_j34l5a8 wrote

Africa no doubt had some companies make the top 500 but the biggest would've been somewhere in the 300s. I am kind of surprsied that South Africa didn't make at least the group list though as they completely dominate the African continent in this category, like the 10 largest publicly traded companies in Africa are all South African.


[deleted] t1_j34lkj5 wrote

I think it's more an indication of the size of the US economy. If you looked at any list of 'publicly traded comapnies valued under X' the US would also probably lead that list as well.


sens317 t1_j34na3s wrote

Why aren't wages higher in the US?


sens317 t1_j34q6gc wrote

Yes, higher than India's double representation.


wimpycarebear t1_j34rvve wrote

Yet everyone else has medical care and we don't.


sens317 t1_j34t6nt wrote


When I say wages, I mean to say the hourly wage, not salaried positions.

And that being said, 50% of Americans making less than $30,000 a year.

That's a lot of people!


daCampa t1_j34u4kv wrote

>The US is fifty different markets, every state has its own laws

In worst case scenario, corporations will take the most restrictive law (aka California) and apply it throughout. The same doesn't happen in the EU. There are language requirements for packaging/instructions for instance. And things that might be approved for use in one country but not the next, you rarely find that between states.

Again on the language. If you create a digital product for the US, you have to do one site. If you create one for the EU, you have to create at least 2, one for your local market and one in english. It's not just "laws and restrictions", and in some cases the lack of "laws and restrictions" made certain products obsolete (Malaise era american cars for instance) as other markets had to innovate to comply with more demanding regulation.

>Exactly. And the important thing is learning why and how this happens. Venezuela is another outlier in economics. Look at the laws, regulations, political and economic systems each country has and you'll know why they have different levels of development.

The classic speedrun to mention Venezuela on reddit. We all know why Switzerland is rich. Centuries of "neutrality" cementing it as the bank of Europe. Then that capital being invested in high value added/luxury industries like pharmaceuticals, chocolate, watches. You can't expect to do the same thing on a country with 10x the population and arrive at the same GDP/capita, the amount of people/companies looking for what Swiss banks offer will not magically scale 10x so Germany can achieve the same numbers. And if every country focuses on making the same high value product, at some point it stops being high value.


app4that t1_j34vdb9 wrote

I sincerely hope those US firms use that money wisely and don’t waste it on foolish things like stock buybacks


a_holzbaur t1_j354ny7 wrote

I also found it interesting that the US’s share of the top 10 companies (9/10) alone accounted for over $8t in value, or nearly 10% of the $81t in market value across over 7100 companies.


orroro1 t1_j354uc6 wrote

And you would lose the bet. Just look at half the shit you own, how many of them say made in China vs made in Africa. Africa remains a primary resource economy (mining, farming, lumber, etc) until the political situation stabilizes. Some countries are already making it out, eg Nigeria, Kenya, SA, etc, but everybody else got a way to go.


julianocgil t1_j359fon wrote

Whats does it means?

Nothing, just americans like to invest on stocks.


Dominyck t1_j35a2zt wrote

What’s the flag under Brazil?


RNRuben t1_j35bvqu wrote

We in Canada have the same share as France and UK while having a fraction of their GDP. I can't even say if it's a good or a bad thing tbh.


[deleted] t1_j35cl5p wrote

I don't think this would be enough to move the needle one way or the other in terms of what the percentages look like here if you were to obtain a fair market price number for 100% private companies and add them to every nation's total.


marklein t1_j35mc8a wrote

Sup with Canada? If I had to make a list from total guessing i wouldn't have even thought to include Canada in the top 10. Oil?


HungryTreasure t1_j35nek2 wrote

LMAO, and they can’t even take proper care of their people.


FeeFooFuuFun t1_j35wr6c wrote

That's quite a huge difference, really makes you think


SenecatheEldest t1_j35ym75 wrote

I think this climate of independence is a legacy of Europe's geopolitical decline over the past 75 years. You went from controlling the whole globe (save North America) to small continental nation-states. European nations can no longer compete with the great powers - The US, India, China, Russia, etc. Quite frankly, you are the least geopolitically significant global region today. You're best off picking a side.


pk10534 t1_j35zlnm wrote

I’m American, btw haha - unless you meant that more as a general statement towards a European. But yes, I agree completely, and I think the insecurity over realizing that they aren’t major players on the global stage like they used to be is what causes a lot of the lashing out, especially at the US. But that’s mostly their own fault. They have chosen to outsource their defense to the US, thinking they were so enlightened in doing so. When in reality, defense spending caused many of the tech gains and influence the US has today. Europe is going to further its decline into irrelevancy as Africa and east Asia continue to rise.


sadler_james t1_j364dj3 wrote

Sorry. That’s dumb. Why that clump of nations to make 14%? And why isn’t there an EU segment (which would make much more sense)?


Paulutot t1_j366pj4 wrote

im surprised Korea isnt higher on the list.


K0tzeit t1_j369qcm wrote

The secret of german economy is to be top of your craft in a special area. The middle sized companies have a big impact on the economy. Its different spirit compared to the big size companies in the US


ThichXemHen t1_j36bflx wrote

The history of these Mittelstand are always like this too: some guy invented a very complicated product, so he found a firma to make that product, sometimes later his children took over and turned it to a global business. Their head office is always located in a village in a middle of nowhere but they have offices in a dozen countries.

As an Asian I'm always perplexed by these stories since in my country the cities are where all the people concentrated and all the business takes places, so it's a mystery how a company in such a remote area can have bigger outreach than most of the companies in my country. And still manage to create world-class products.


luaks1337 t1_j36h9iy wrote

As a German born in Germany it's still very surprising sometimes. When looking for IT internships within my area I found so many companies whose names I've never heard that are global leaders with their products. Also every little small village (~5k population) has its own so called Industriegebiet (industry area) that houses lots of such businesses and their suppliers.

I wish this culture had transitioned into the digital age but except for SAP very few German IT companies got big this way.


Eric1491625 t1_j36hiq9 wrote

This is true. Particularly explains why China is this low -

>Of the 130 Chinese entities in the 2021 Fortune Global 500 ranking, 93 (71.5%) are unlisted, of which 75 are state-owned. By contrast, among the 130 largest non-Chinese companies in the same Fortune ranking, only 5 are unlisted - of which only one, the US Postal Service, is an SOE.


Eric1491625 t1_j36hjfg wrote

This is true. Particularly explains why China is this low -

>Of the 130 Chinese entities in the 2021 Fortune Global 500 ranking, 93 (71.5%) are unlisted, of which 75 are state-owned. By contrast, among the 130 largest non-Chinese companies in the same Fortune ranking, only 5 are unlisted - of which only one, the US Postal Service, is an SOE.


Obvious_Chapter2082 t1_j36hnio wrote

Stories about them paying no tax usually come from a misinterpretation of the data. Especially compared to other countries on this chart, the US companies would have a significant tax burden, especially since the US taxes global income


Deep_Van t1_j36onj5 wrote

That should be the proportion for the world MSCI index


DombekDBR t1_j36ulph wrote

just to check: is it Monaco or flipped Poland?


VorianFromDune t1_j377f1j wrote

Keep in mind it’s market cap, it mainly depends of how bullish a population is and the available financial liquidity.

European stock market is somehow much more aligned with the compagnies performances than speculation. Liquidity is also lower, European usually don’t have their retirement invested in stocks.


LucaThatLuca t1_j3ln3r5 wrote

This graph of countries includes an “other” category for the reason many graphs/lists include “other” categories. It isn’t worth trying to find space for 16 more individual slices with tiny amounts. I don’t know why you’d expect to see anything that isn’t a country on any graph/list of countries.


get-nae-naed-12345 t1_j4l53ob wrote

Wtf bro? India only has 9 in 2022 bro. And what does this chart has to do with the number of companies? Isn’t it by market capitalisation which is the stock value of the company? Let’s say usa only has one company on the Fortune 500 but it’s market capitalisation is the combine sum of all the other 499 companies, shouldn’t usa be 50% in the chart and not 0.2%? How did u come up with this table?