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Orkekum t1_j3vo4nr wrote

There is 1k people on the metaverse?


digitalred93 t1_j3vuzw1 wrote

I suspect they’re trying to get Horizons to be the Second Life of Meta. No thanks.


MrGofer t1_j3vxgtu wrote

Axie Infinity too for some reason. For those who don't know, tl;dr pokemon breeding and fighting simulator but much worse and with NFTs. No idea how The Metaverse™ label applies to it.


polaris1412 t1_j3w8zuv wrote

Hey u/matthevv, next time post actually beautiful data that tells a story or convey information. This is not r/dataisboring


happyplace28 t1_j3w9koh wrote

It’s really interesting, I’ve done research on that. “Metaverses” used to be known as basically online multiplayer. So MMORPG’s, online chat rooms, etc. basically anything that enabled online communication between large groups of people. it’s only recently that companies like Facebook have tried to define it in this weird new way.


Aefyns t1_j3wgis1 wrote

Science fiction did that well before Facebook.

Few people think of Fortnite as a Metaverse.

Most think of a Metaverse as a place you can do many things in an immersive environment.

Random games don't come to mind as universal immersive worlds.


koelti t1_j3wmylv wrote

horizon world's =/= metaverse, how often do we have to endure this misconception?


torchma t1_j3wrejn wrote

This is not beautiful data. And they don't even say anything about how they sampled. Just awful.


TheHoleInFranksHead t1_j3wwrjh wrote

Ok, I’m an old fucker. So please excuse me for asking:

1: what in the fuck is the metaverse - in actual practical terms?

2: where is the beautiful data?


matthevva OP t1_j3wxbg8 wrote

We link to the methodology at the end of the article

Methodology for the “Metaverse Survey”
To get a bird’s eye view of the market, we designed a series of questions that asked about the respondent’s metaverse usage habits (if any) as well as their perception of the technology and its future.
For a more detailed explanation, follow the link here to learn more about our survey process:


peter303_ t1_j3wz8ah wrote

I am in the the "other" category. I have been watching VR short movies at Film Festivals and SIGGRAPH for over a decade. I observed a large jump in quality in 2021. Part of that was improvements in headsets (2K, 90 fps, no cables). And part due to film makers mastering the media. Its not the same a making 3D movies, but some overlap.

(I agree the first VR power uses will be multi-player immersive gaming.)


torchma t1_j3x0ssc wrote

That's hardly a more detailed explanation. You still don't answer the questions. If you are reporting survey data you need to fully describe your sampling frame, what defines the sample population, how you obtained contact information, how you contacted potential respondents, how many potential respondents you contacted and how many actually participated (so that you can report the all-important response rate), etc., etc.

This reads like a high school project.


Swazzoo t1_j3x4mih wrote

What's the beautiful data? These are just simple charts. Maybe I'm missing something on the page.


Longestnamebeaver t1_j3xi59d wrote

I don’t care about Meta but what’s with that title? How did you conclude that “Nobody cares..” if it’s just 1.5% of the 1K people you surveyed who said so..? That’s probably not even 15 people out of the 1000 you surveyed.


NewVegasGender t1_j3y5xe6 wrote

Expanding on 1, it is a hyped up VR thing but the term doesn't just apply to facebook. It refers to the collection of VR social platforms. The concept itself is far from new. As far as I know, the first thing that could be considered to fall under the term metaverse is VRChat which was first released in 2014. Most VRChat users (including me) would be opposed to calling it part of the metaverse because metaverse is strongly associated with hyper commercialization.


PolyDudeNYC t1_j3zm9md wrote

Just wait until Apple releases their version and people are lining up around the block.


irkli t1_j403tq5 wrote

I care about it -- negatively. I hate those fuxls so much I will scream with joy when it fails. Luckily for me and us I think it will.

Facebook is textbook "second system syndrome". Their arrogant confidence truly undermines them.


irkli t1_j4040wn wrote

Most of the purveyors of this shit fantasize about the size and scale and thoroughness of ownership and control of literally every aspect of the "world" they think they're creating. It's greed in its purest form. They're so disconnected from reality they simply cannot see their own lies.


Bolt_995 t1_j40mcxm wrote

The issue that I have with Meta and the issue that I have with metaverse critics (basically the entirety of Reddit) is this:

The Metaverse is being considered as a Zuckerberg initiative.

On one hand, Zuckerberg and his pals are patting themselves on the back for trying to own the terminology and the concept. On the other hand, the common human on social media (this thread for instance) is shitting on the metaverse concept because they are associating it with what Zuckerberg means, without wanting to understand what it actually is. Whatever the fuck you are seeing with Horizon Worlds is NOT the Metaverse.

Like it or not, the Metaverse is the evolution of the modern Internet. It’s a seamlessly interconnected virtual world/cyberspace, a 3D visualization of what we experience on the web. And the core tenet of the Metaverse is decentralization on a scale that is deeper than the advanced Web 2.0 phase that we are in.

Corporations like Meta, Microsoft, Google, etc, are selling a flawed idea of what the metaverse is, and people are lapping it up. They shouldn’t be portraying it like they’re building their own “metaverses” which is incorrect. The Metaverse is singular, just like the Internet. What people need to gather from this is that these corporations are simply making building blocks for the actual Metaverse. In the end, everything should connect and everything should communicate, and there are no governing bodies involved.

No one owns the Internet as a whole. No one should own the Metaverse too.

And the Metaverse is not simply relegated to VR. The idea is that in the future, a decade or two from now, you should be able to access the global Metaverse from a variety of devices, like smartphones, smartwatches, computers, tablets, VR/AR headsets and glasses, and even BCI (brain-computer interface) chips, and have the same experience all across (with limitations based on what device you are using to access it).

When corporations like Meta are screwing around with this concept and those Web3 scam artists abusing the concept of NFTs, there are many genuine startups actually taking this seriously and contributing towards building this future. It’s a new industry wherein it’s beneficial to get into now than later.


notbad2u t1_j43t9gu wrote

Anybody smart actively stays away from it and would fully abandon Quest if Meta's personal version of Hell became their only option.


notbad2u t1_j43ucqu wrote

It's a video game with scenery but no "real purpose" so in effect a planet, world, or universe, hence the name Metaverse. It quickly becomes a terrible place to be. You'd think they could be like Reddit but the logistics are completely different. It's fine to be in the bathroom and on Reddit, but understandably considered gross in VR. All Metaverses devolve into kinky sex/romance parks eventually and are work known as marriage destroyers.

So, now you know.